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73315 Article(s) Found
Jess Leyden has been praised by her coach after making rowing history by becoming the first GB woman to win a gold medal in the junior single skull event making her the World...
Date Published 19/08/2013
Morris Property in Rochdale is just one of 11,745 residential agents that has signed up to The Property Ombudsman sales code of practice.
Smith Street in Rochdale town centre has closed to general traffic today. It will subsequently re-open as bus only. Access will be maintained to Milton Street and the shoppers car...
People in the Rochdale borough can now benefit from a new minor eye conditions service.
A man has died after jumping from a bridge over the M62 motorway near Milnrow. Police were called at 7.20am on Monday 19 August 2013 following reports a man had jumped from a...
B6194 Broad Lane in Rochdale closed in both directions between the Broad Lane junction and the Pit Lane junction, 9.00am Monday 19 August.
Despite midwife numbers increasing faster than births it will be at least another decade before England has enough midwives, according to new figures from the Royal College of...
M62, Milnrow, eastbound between A627 [M62 junction 20] and A640 [M62 junction 21] closed. One lane closed and very slow traffic on M62 westbound.
"The proliferation of charity shops is distorting the playing field for retailers, damaging public perception of many towns and taking away millions of pounds in business rates...
Date Published 18/08/2013
The campaign to help save Olayinka Olatunde from being forced to undergo Female Genital Mutilation continued today with a fundraiser to raise awareness of the campaign and raise...
Hollingworth Lake Visitors Centre played host to a charities fete this afternoon (Sunday 18 August) to encourage visitors to care for natural wildlife.
Michael Cunningham and locals from Milnrow have been working together to raise £5,000 for guide dogs and held a beach party this afternoon (Sunday 18 August) to raise the...
A family trapped in their home by fire after their car was set alight has been reunited with firefighters who rescued them.
The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust has released a new video for its staff and the public about how best to treat and prevent pressure ulcers.
35 year old Claire-May Minett is on a personal mission to raise awareness of Mosaic Down Syndrome as well as working as a volunteer for Rochdale and District Mind.
Honours even at Spotland as Rochdale and Chesterfield left with a share of the spoils in a very entertaining game. Chesterfield took the lead through former Dale loanee Marc...
Rochdale jewellery valuer Louise Butterworth has had her work rated as ‘superb’ by the National Association of Goldsmiths Institute of Registered Valuers.
Date Published 17/08/2013
MAMC held an arts for Health and Wellbeing Summer fun event today (Saturday 17 August) to help promote information and activities on wellbeing as well as hosting a fun packed day...
Small World Nurseryheld their summer fair today (Saturday 17 August) to raise funds for nursery equipment and their nursery fund.
Tour guide Anne Thomas wasn’t put off by the rain and took visitors on a tour of Spotland and Falinge this afternoon (Saturday 17 August).
Greenwoods is the latest town centre retailer to fall victim to the high street crisis with the Wheatsheaf Centre shop closing down. Thornton’s, on Yorkshire Street, is also...
Althams Travel Services in Littleborough were victims of an armed robbery on Friday morning (16 August). A man armed with a knife held up the travel agents and demanded currency...
Offenders have gained access and damaged a memorial garden in Middleton. Various items surrounding a family plot where lights, pictures and plants have been destroyed.
A Rochdale grandmother died weighing 4st 12lb whilst being cared for in a nursing home and was described by loved ones as looking like a skeleton.
Gino Nicholson, 22, from Heywood, has been offered a place to study at one of the world's most famous acting schools. Six thousand 6,000 people applied from all over the world...
Will Salt, 19, from Norden, is celebrating having secured a place at one of the UK’s top universities following his A level results.
Hanaan Hussain, 11, from Rochdale, has been unveiled as the latest star to appear on one million milk cartons in supermarkets across the UK after he wrote to a dairy to let them...
Families in Rochdale are being asked to make the most of the fresh start of the new school year by signing up to a healthy change when the kids go back to the classroom and take...
New proposals for rules and sanctions to ensure that remote gambling operators with UK customers will pay UK gambling taxes from next year, no matter where in the world they are...
Greater Manchester Police ran a series of initiatives and operations last week to highlight the importance of road safety and sharing the roads.