
Rochdale Online Business Listings - Advertise for FREE!

A Free Business Listing with Rochdale Online means that your business details will appear alongside thousands of other local businesses on the most up-to-date business directory in Rochdale.

A business listing displays the company name, address and telephone number under the appropriate classification of the directory.

A standard business listing is FREE and all businesses within the borough of Rochdale are eligible.

Request your FREE listing now by filling in the form below. Complete all the fields that apply to your business. Alternatively you can call us on 01706 523583 or email

Free listing example

Free Listing Request Form

Your Business Details

Required fields are marked(*)

  1. Please note: We only offer free listings to businesses within Rochdale Metropolitan Borough.
  2. (uncheck this box if you don't want us to list your address)
  3. (*) Please provide at least one of telephone or mobile number.
  4. (Max. 500 characters)