
Advertising on Rochdale Online

We offer a multitude of opportunities for businesses and organisations to reach a very large audience to market and promote your goods and services.

Rochdale Online averaged over 161,000 unique visitors a month to the site in 2023.

In 2023 site visitors generated over 5.8 million page views.

Advertising Opportunities

FREE Business Listings

Get your business in front of thousands of local consumers. Entry into our Business Directory is completely FREE!

Add yours for Free!


Put your vacancies in front of thousands of local jobseekers, and benefit from our email system which alerts signed up users with matching credentials.

Advertise Your Job

Display Adverts

High Impact Graphical/Rich Media - see the adverts on this page. Ring 01706 523583 now to talk to our sales team, or for more information:

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Promote your Event

Ensure your event stands out in our listings with a Premium listing from just £15.00 (inc. VAT) per week.

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Premium Listings

Want to be at the top of your chosen category? A Premium Listing means you'll appear above all standard listings in your chosen category.

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Enhanced Listings

Want to be above the free listings? An Enhanced Listing means you'll appear above all standard listings in your chosen category.

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News Advertorial

A sponsored news article to highlight your business or venture. Appears on the home page for a week, and can contain a link to your website.

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Business Websites

A business website on Rochdale Online gets you an enhanced business listing in your chosen category, and can double as your own website!

Sign Up Now


Advertise your property for sale or rent with multiple photos, Google maps, brochures and much more, and let our system alert buyers or tenants by email.

Advertise Your Property

Family Notices

Announce your news on the Births, Deaths and Marriages section of Rochdale Online for just £36.00 (inc. VAT).

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"Rochdale Online has proved an excellent addition to our marketing and PR strategy since we joined forces three years ago. As a community school, it is vital we engage with people locally and make them aware of important events and success stories regarding our school.
Rochdale Online is the perfect tool for this as they are a local business representing local interests and sharing local news. We are pleased to be associated with Rochdale Online and hope our partnership has many more years of successful collaboration.

Mr D. Armitage
Assistant Head

Oulder Hill Community School