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59647 Article(s) Found
Welcome back to all students and staff and especially to our new Year 7 students who are doing a magnificent job of finding their way around school.
Date Published 08/09/2011
It has been confirmed that the Post Office in Castleton is to move... 200 yards up the road! The Post Office is relocating from 858-860 Manchester Road to 817 Manchester Road.
Children called Aaron, Callum, Abbie and Courtney strike fear into the nation’s teachers, it has been revealed. Researchers found kids bearing these monikers are thought to be the...
One of Rochdale’s best known restaurants, the Bella Vista, put on a retirement party on for a loyal member of staff who has retired after 20 years service.
As part of the works to construct the Newhey stop on the Oldham and Rochdale Metrolink extension, Transport for Greater Manchester has sought permission from RMBC to carry out...
Peter Ridehalgh, from Jamilla Paul Hair & Beauty, based in Rochdale and Littleborough, has been recognised as one of the UK’s top professional hairstylists following his success...
Date Published 07/09/2011
Home-buyers who buy with friends, relatives and partners in order to afford their first home must factor in all worst case scenarios before buying, says Isherwood and Hose.
Elizabeth Wallis, from Littleborough, is celebrating after receiving a £500 donation from the MARS Refuel Drink Fund. Nineteen year old Elizabeth started kayaking in her...
A branch of Tesco Express was robbed twice in three nights in Rochdale. And officers believe ATM customers could be the key to catching robbers who attacked and tied up a shop...
Fire stations across Greater Manchester will observe a minute’s silence this Sunday to mark the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks which resulted in the deaths of nearly 3000...
Age UK Metro Rochdale are urging local knitters to join them in helping to keep local older people warm this winter. Age UK have joined forces with Innocent Smoothies and...
A support group, which helps sufferers of asbestos diseases in Greater Manchester, is backing a new initiative to provide free training for tradesmen. A poignant target of...
Our parish Social Committee present: Multicultural Midday Concert' on Sunday 9 October in the Pennine Suite, St Patrick’s School, after the 10am Mass - 11am tea/coffee followed...
Date Published 06/09/2011
St Cuthbert’s RC Business and Enterprise College welcomes all pupil back for the new academic year; A very special welcome to all new pupils and members of staff. The...
Heritage Weekend: The church will be open to visitors today Saturday 10 September from 10am until 3.00pm. Sung Eucharist service Sunday is at 11.15am. There will not be a...
The UK Border Agency is set to deport Cameroon playwright Lydia Besong's husband Bernard Batey on Saturday 10 September. Paperwork shows they are also attempting to deport Lydia...
Newly released figures showing that the number of British builders fell by nearly 60,000 last year as foreigners flooded the industry make depressing reading, said local MEP Paul...
This Sunday our Communion Service is led by Rev Andrew Howell at 10.45 am. Everyone is welcome.
Welcome back to school, we hope you all had a great holiday! You will have noticed our new entrance, please use the window for enquiries. Parents will not be allowed in the...
Welcome back to everyone. We have made a good start to the new school year and trust that this will continue. Next week, on Friday 16 September, the Year 6 children will be taking...
In 1948 the Labour Government’s Nye Bevan began the National Health Service. 63 years later in 2011 a survey of patients registered the highest rates of satisfaction for many...
Staff and pupils of Hollingworth Business and Enterprise College in Milnrow have had a very special start to the new academic year with the opening of their brand new £21m school,...
Communities and Local Government Minister Andrew Stunell came to Rochdale on Friday 2 September to visit the new housing builds on Kirkholt Estate and to talk to community leaders...
A Muslim community leader has written to Rochdale Council complaining about the lack of Eid Lights in Milkstone & Deeplish Area on Eid ul Fitr.
Receive a warm welcome at two events in Balderstone Park this weekend. Firstly 'Fun in the Park' will take place on Saturday, from 11.00 am until 3.00 pm, followed by 'Songs of...
The monthly Wednesday tea will start at 4.30 pm on Wednesday 7 September. It will be followed at 5.15 pm by the Stitch 'n' Chatter group. At 7 pm there will be a meeting of the...
Police in Rochdale are urging the public to hand in medication after it was reported lost at 11.55pm on Friday 2 September 2011. A quantity of tablets, labelled Sitralapram,...
Some of the most spectacular and intriguing local buildings are open to the public for free this weekend. Heritage Open Days, which starts on Thursday and runs until Sunday is a...
Next Step, the careers and skills advice service is celebrating its first anniversary of helping adults achieve their ambitions and move forward in work and life. Since its...
The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust has won a global race and signed up the first patient for a worldwide commercial study looking at the use of Sativex® - a cannabis-based...