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59655 Article(s) Found
The grand finale of the ‘Newbold’s Got Talent‘ celebration was held at a packed out Springhill Hill School, Rochdale on Friday 16 April. Around 75 local youngsters aged from 7...
Date Published 28/04/2010
Engineers are racing to refurbish ageing Metrolink trams in time for the start of the Rochdale service. They are expected to begin services between Victoria and Central Park in...
Date Published 27/04/2010
A Rochdale man involved in a massive £20 million cocaine-dealing plot had his sentence backed by top judges yesterday. Mark Sindrey (38) was sentenced to 15 years and four...
Police have insisted they are doing all they can to monitor sex offenders — as it was revealed 15 were missing across Greater Manchester and more than 300 are missing in the UK....
Year 5 pupils at Smithy Bridge Primary have produced a mural depicting Hollingworth Lake which they are donating to the Country Park. The piece, a series of panels each...
A man who broke into a woman's home in Rochdale and raped her has been jailed. Richard Stott (born 26/10/1986) of Hardman Street, Rochdale, was sentenced to eight years...
As part of the Bike Friday rides, April 30, the Love Your Bike and Greater Manchester Cycling Campaign (GMCC) is encouraging people all across Greater Manchester to ‘vote for...
More than £12, 000 was raised for charity on Saturday 17 April as police officers and firefighters donned their gloves for the rematch of the Battle of the Badges charity boxing...
Parents are reminded that school is closed on Monday for the May bank holiday. If you pay dinner money weekly please send the correct amount (£6.80) on Tuesday. Children in...
Students on the ‘Certificate in Administration’ course at Hopwood Hall College have been busy holding a number of fundraising events and activities to raise money for the...
The Tame Valley Stompers are ‘entertainment’ plus. Happy music makes happy people but some traditionalists with a capital T like to seriously analyse between jazz presentation and...
Thank you to the Cardinal Langley Sports Partnership for organising a great football competition for Year 6 boys for 9 local schools. Our boys, whilst they didn’t win a match,...
Sunday 2 May: 10.30am Sung Holy Communion, during the service our Sunday school ‘Clemmie’s Club’ meets in the hall and all children are welcome. Said Holy Communion Services:...
Sunday 2 May 10.15am Bible Discovery, Sunday Rocks, Youth group 11.00am Coffee / Tea fellowship 11.30am Celebration Tuesday 4 May 10.00am Toddler Church &...
Sunday morning's service at 10.30am on 2 May will be led by one of our local preachers, Mr Dean Sherriff. The evening service will take place at 6.00pm. Our coffee morning offers...
This Sunday 2 May will be a Christian Aid Service at 10.45am with Sunday Club upstairs at the same time. This will be followed by a faith lunch and at 1.30pm there will be a quiz...
Forget waiting for Saturday night to watch Britain’s Got Talent or the end of the summer for the X- Factor to start – watch Rochdale’s Got Talent instead! Acts ranging from rock...
Date Published 26/04/2010
A Rochdale man has come to the rescue of hens, in what can only be described as a ‘heart warming story.’ Garth Potts, originally from Rochdale but currently living in Cumbria,...
On Friday a team of four year 10 pupils attended Bury College for a morning of challenges. Olivia Fryer, Francesca Gallagher, Ali Nawaz and Aleem Tahir were chosen to represent...
Rochdale and Littleborough Peace Group highlighted the dangers of nuclear power on Saturday morning (24 April 2010). They were marking the 24th anniversary of the nuclear disaster...
A pensioner was taken to hospital after a drunken thug slammed a car door on her arm. The woman, aged 71, had been visiting a friend when she returned to a car on Haugh Fold,...
The Image Salon in Hopwood Hall College held their first Employer Forum event at the College’s Top Tier Grill. Local salons involved in the evening were Natalia’s, Style,...
Paul Rowen, Liberal Democrat candidate for Rochdale, visited HMP Buckley Hall for ‘Storybook Dads’ and a Victim Awareness Course final presentation. Storybook Dads is a long...
Parents are being urged to protect their children with two doses of MMR vaccine following a small outbreak of measles in Greater Manchester. Three confirmed cases of measles...
A man had to have 14 staples to a serious head wound after he was assaulted by an unknown offender at Soccer Village on Wildhouse Lane, Rochdale. The man, aged 35, was...
Diploma students learn about some of the interesting jobs they can get when they go out to work. Students from local schools went to Hopwood Hall College to take part in a real...
The preacher at our morning service at 10.30am Sunday 2 May will be Mrs Marilyn Dearden. The Ladies Fellowship meets on Wednesday 5 May at 2.30pm when the speaker will be Mrs...
The discussion group will meet at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 27 April (information: 648461 or 340465). At 7.30 pm on Wednesday 28 April there will be meditation at the manse...
The first national disability climbing competition was held today (Sunday 25 April 2010) at Climb UK, Rochdale Competitors travelled from as far as Aberdeen to take part in...
Date Published 25/04/2010
A Castleton parent has been left disappointed by ward councillors regarding the re-development of Heywood Road’s park and children’s playground. Sarah Croke has been...