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59651 Article(s) Found
Red Nose Day The School Council would like to say a big Thank You for supporting this worthy cause. So far we have raised £540 but we still have some crispy biscuits being sold...
Date Published 24/03/2011
Stars of the Week: Bradley Mellor, Jennifer Bamford, Elishia Sutcliffe, Bradley-Shepherd-Conwell, Aadam Ahmed, Courtney Howarth, Jessica Holt, Ellis Brogan, Elliot Exon, Beth...
An amazing £1,377 was collected for Marie Curie Cancer Care at Morrison’s Kingsway over two days last weekend.
Three men who defrauded a Nelson fire detection company out of £138,000 of its equipment have been jailed for a total of six years. Jonathan Petrie, 45, of Hillcrest Crescent,...
Transport chiefs have warned MPs that savage cuts will leave pensioners with free bus passes — but few buses to travel on. A shake-up of the highly-popular national...
Rochdale Council will receive almost £500,000 from the Government for pothole repairs. The Chancellor announced in his Budget that the money available for pothole repairs has...
Rochdale’s new 24/7 Urgent Care Centre will open on Monday 4 April 2011 to replace the current A&E department and Walk-in centre at the Rochdale Infirmary. It will provide...
Musicians from Rochdale and further afield a preparing for an eight hour music show to raise money for Japanese Tsunami Appeal. Live 4 Japan, will see a host of music...
Hopwood Hall College has invested £120,000 in free bus travel for students travelling to its Middleton Campus.
People from across the borough came together this evening (Wednesday 23 March 2011) for a fashion show to raise money for the NSPCC.
Date Published 23/03/2011
The government today (Wednesday 23 March 2011) announced £85million of investment which will link Manchester Victoria and Manchester Piccadilly train stations. The aim of the...
The Chancellor George Osborne today (Wednesday 23 March 2011)announced his Budget, with plans to reform the nation's economy and steps to help families with the cost of...
Parents, children and staff at Norden Sure Start Children’s Centre are celebrating their Ofsted report this week, as inspectors graded the centre as ‘good’ with many aspects of...
The British Transport Police are bringing the fight against cable thieves to Rochdale today (Wednesday 23 March 2011). BTP, together with several other agencies, are carrying...
Two former students of Hopwood Hall College have been awarded bursaries by the Queen Elizabeth Foundation Trust.
The prospective Liberal Democrat candidate for the Milkstone and Deeplish ward has resigned – and joined the Conservative Party. Altaf Nadeem resigned from the Liberal...
Parents and children from Howard Street Sure Start Children’s Centre joined staff and residents at the Falinge Community Hub recently for an international food festival event...
The Skills 4 U project which has helped hundreds of Heywood residents get involved in training and learning is set to finish at the end of the month.
A Rochdale MEP has welcomed the decision for the UK to support tougher measures on human traffickers.
Second year Business Studies students at Hopwood Hall College wanted to raise some funds for Comic Relief, so they decided to put forward some fun ideas.
Those with a passion for life and new experiences took part in a ‘Nia’ dance event recently and raised money for charity at the same time.
Six students from the Rochdale Sixth Form College have been chosen to represent their peers for the 2011/12 academic year following an exciting election process.
Professionals across the borough are undertaking a higher education qualification in a unique course being run at Edge Hill University in partnership with Rochdale Education and...
Two people were taken to hospital following an accident on the M62 in the early hours of this morning (Wednesday 23 March 2011). The incident, involving two large goods...
Rochdale Council has received two new planning applications relating to the Crook Hill wind farm proposals near Wardle and Littleborough. Planning permission for a 12 turbine...
Date Published 22/03/2011
This Sunday 26 March our Anglican Communion Service will be led by Rev Andrew Howell at 10.45am with Sunday Club upstairs at the same time. Our Lenten Study Groups continue on...
Golden book awards Class 1: Alyssa and Sana Class 2: Jeremia and Kerys Class 3: Michalina and Joao Class 4: Ademide and Faith Class 5: Kieran and Nikola Class 6:...
This week was Community Cohesion week. The great work on cultural diversity undertaken all week has again been underpinned by the many fundraising activities for our Lenten...
Thank you to everyone for the phenomenal effort on Red Nose Day. The School Council managed to raise almost £350. We have sent £250 to Comic Relief and £100 to British Red Cross...
Staff at the Middleton arena swapped their uniforms for their pyjamas in aid of Comic Relief this year.