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In a key vote in the European Parliament this week Euro MPs voted on a new law to on establish minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime.
Date Published 13/09/2012
The Campaign For Real Ale (CAMRA) has today revealed that the Greater Manchester Pub Of The Year 2012 is The Baum. The Rochdale pub is run by husband and wife Simon and Heidi...
Greater Manchester Police (GMP) seized 19 vehicles, prosecuted more than 400 motorists for speeding and seized over £4,000 in outstanding fines in its latest clampdown on...
Date Published 12/09/2012
This Saturday morning (September 15) at St Andrew's, the parish church of Dearnley and Smithy Bridge, we are holding a coffee morning in the parish room, starting at 10.00am and...
Local MEP Paul Nuttall, who was actually in the Leppings Lane end at Hillsborough as the tragedy unfolded, welcomed today's findings. "This is a complete exoneration of...
A Nottinghamshire couple are appealing for witnesses after their boat was vandalised on the Rochdale Canal in Littleborough last weekend.
Megan Hall, 18, has snubbed university in favour of an apprenticeship with Penthouse Carpets in Rochdale.
Figures released today show that around 85,000 people were claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) in Greater Manchester in August 2012 – higher than the figure for July 2012 of...
The development of a new retail park in Rochdale has been postponed after planners routed a new ring road through the site.
Rural campaigners have welcomed the long awaited publication of the Government’s Rural Statement but are disappointed by the sidelining of environmental issues.
Action for Pakistan, International, Rochdale held a special meeting to express their condolence to the families of 235 deceased (according to the latest information available) who...
A young man from Rochdale took his first steps towards becoming a future engineer on Monday after enjoying his first day as a new apprentice.
Welcome back to everyone with a very special welcome to our new Year 7 learners. Our theme for this week is Racial Justice and our Enterprise capability is Creativity.
Letters out this week: Theme work Unit 1 The School Day Parent Governor Nominations Reception Internet Use Form Year 6 SAT’s Dates
A fun day attracted over 200 visitors with the aim of promoting community cohesion and unity and raisingmoney for charitable work to be undertaken in Palestine. There was a...
Welcome back to the new school term. Thank you to all the parents who responded so positively to the questionnaire sent out in July. The results have been processed and analysed...
Date Published 11/09/2012
School children are being taught to turn off taps while brushing their teeth as part of efforts to teach children where water comes from.
Labour's Euro MPs are at the forefront of new legislation to test for drug safety which is being voted on in the European Parliament in Strasbourg today.
A woman who had a man arrested after falsely accusing him of rape, has today been sentenced. Janet Higginbottom (born 19/02/75) of Coombes View, Broadbottom, Hyde pleaded...
Proposals by the EU to overhaul MOT rules, which will make modified vehicles illegal, have been attacked by local MEP Paul Nuttall.
A reminder that the price of a school meal has been increased to £1.85 per day with effect from 1st September 2012. Also could parents kindly make cheques for school dinners...
Greater Manchester Police raided 49 scrap metal dealers and recovered stolen metals at five of them yesterday (Monday 10 September) in their latest clampdown on metal thieves.
A pioneering scheme to help taxi drivers access affordable credit and avoid falling into the clutches of loan sharks was launched today (Monday 10 September) at Rochdale Town...
Date Published 10/09/2012
Another expected deluge of immigrants - this time from Latvia - reinforces the growing need for the UK to leave the European Union, said local MEP Paul Nuttall today.
A large majority of retailers across the borough refused to sell alcohol and cigarettes to young people in an undercover operation mounted by Rochdale Borough Council.
The Electoral Commission publishes today its responses to the Law Commission’s consultation on electoral law reform, which closes on Monday 17 September.
Rochdale solicitor, Peter Taylor in his best Brad Wiggins style, is to dust off his cycle clips and get on his bike in an attempt to raise money for charity. In a blatant attempt...
A man was stamped on during a violent and unprovoked assault in Middleton. At about 10.15pm on Saturday 8 September 2012, a 38-year-old man, who was in a wooded area near to...
Work is set to get underway at St Cuthbert’s RC High School in Rochdale to provide new educational and recreational facilities.
Local peace campaigner, Philip Gilligan, from Littleborough, is celebrating his full recovery from open heart surgery last summer with a sponsored peace walk along the 28...