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59528 Article(s) Found
Tony Lloyd MP joined the Leonard Cheshire disability charity at a parliamentary event to highlight their Make Care Fair campaign for good quality social care and an end to rushed...
Date Published 22/03/2018
The new plan to build a safer and stronger Greater Manchester has been published. “Standing Together”, sets out the key priorities for building community safety across Greater...
Greater Manchester has become the first UK city region outside London to sign up to a global standard for street designs for walking and cycling.
The ancient martial art of tai chi has similar or greater benefits than aerobic exercise for people with the chronic pain condition fibromyalgia, finds a trial published by The...
A man was shot in the leg on Pleasant Street in Heywood at around 7:05pm on Wednesday evening (21 March).
Date Published 21/03/2018
Less than 2% of borough residents claim Universal Credit or Jobseeker's Allowance, according to the latest statistics released on Wednesday (21 March).
Hundreds of disabled employees are to benefit from a £15,000 rise in ‘Access to Work’ grants to assist them at work, following new measures introduced in Parliament on Tuesday (20...
A local 19-year-old has been presented with his Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award certificate at special ceremony in London.
Bus drivers will no longer be able to manually record journeys made by concessionary bus pass holders from Sunday 1 April.
A white Audi A5 has been stolen from its owner’s driveway in Castleton by thieves.
The most effective way to stop your information being gathered by Facebook, and then used by the American behemoth and third party companies, is to not have a Facebook account.
Manchester Airport is scrapping its free drop-off lanes in order to ease traffic congestion.
Pupils raise £1,041.00 for CAFOD World Gifts: Mrs Ansley congratulated Mr McLauchlan and Year 7 pupils in assembly for their fantastic effort in raising money for CAFOD World...
Date Published 20/03/2018
Rochdale: To temporarily prohibit vehicles from proceeding along George Street from the north side of the junction of Ramsay Street to the South Side of the junction with Norrys...
If everyone in Rochdale found a place for wildlife in their gardens it would create a nature reserve as wonderful as any in the UK.
'Colours' fashion show at St Andrew's, Dearnley, on Saturday raised over £850.
Brits will consume 80 million Easter eggs this year, with the average child doubling their recommended weekly calorie intake by eating on average, five chocolates eggs.
Greater Manchester Contemporary Arts Prize is open for entries.
Liz McInnes, Member of Parliament for Heywood and Middleton, was a teal hero for Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month at a special event hosted by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on...
Derek Cartwright QAM, Chief Executive of North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust, is to retire after more than 30 years in the ambulance service.
The people of Rochdale are the stars of a new pop video featuring a famous speech by Charlie Chaplin.
Holy Communion at Christ Church, Healey is at 10.00, Sunday 25 March, Palm Sunday, with The Rev. Andrew Howell followed by refreshments in the Parish Hall.
Our Sunday Service this week starts at 10.00am - and we will all have to get up an hour earlier as the clocks 'spring forward' again.
Motorists travelling over the Easter period are being urged to make sure they have checked their vehicle before setting off.
Manchester Friends of the Earth are calling on the ten Greater Manchester council leaders to publicly support the Mayor's climate plan ahead of the Green Summit on Wednesday...
Children with a range of meningitis experiences are helping a national charity to fight back against the devastating disease with its latest fundraising campaign.
Well done to the following Year 8 students who won the advanced category at the Rochdale Schools’ Trampolining competition: Ellan Lang, Sam Clegg and Amy Harrison, they were...
Council tax should be scrapped and replaced; it is outdated, regressive, and, despite being notionally based on the value of homes, functions in many ways like a poll tax –...
Having read the article about council executives and two senior councillors attending a four day event in the South of France, a reader sent a letter which explained that the...
One lane is closed and traffic is very slow on the A627(M) southbound in Rochdale between Edinburgh Way and the M62 (Rochdale), because of an accident (Tuesday 20 March - 8.30am).