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59655 Article(s) Found
Rochdale mums who are worried about the impact illegal tobacco is having on their communities have inspired a new crack down which hopes to ‘Get Some Answers’ about how it ends up...
Date Published 23/06/2010
On Friday (25 June 2010), as part of Bike Week 2010, Bike Friday are inviting people in Greater Manchester to join one of the Bike Friday cycle routes and ‘Cycle in Style’ to...
Rochdale and Littleborough Peace Group held an hour's vigil at the cenotaph opposite Rochdale Town Hall on Tuesday night (22 June 2010). They were mourning the deaths of British...
With support from the East Lancashire Railway, Brownies from Rochdale, Heywood, Oldham & Bury took part in the ‘Brownie Express’ day to celebrate 100 years of girlguiding in...
A new bird and wildlife sanctuary meets tonight (Wednesday 23 June 2010) to discuss plans to open later this year. Three Owls, another sanctuary in Norden, was closed down in...
Stars of the week:- Nylah O’Connor, Dean Stanton, Jade Liang, James Thomson, Jasmine Dearden, Ausama Ghaffar, Kendall Sager, Danielle Mackay-Hughes, Hafsa Nazir, Aadam Ahmed-Ali,...
Golden book awards Foundation 2: Ebony and Declan Class 1: Lisa and Joshua Class 2: Wisdom and Michalina Class 3: Valarie and Faith Class 4: Jack and Shawn Class 5:...
Cookery Club Cookery club will resume as normal on Wednesday 30 June and will run until 14 July.
Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority (GMWDA) has launched an innovative scheme which will allow residents to recycle their bikes instead of throwing them away, and at the...
Members of UNISON gathered outside Rochdale Town Hall this evening (Tuesday 22 June 2010) to protest against the coalition government’s budget decision to freeze public sector...
Date Published 22/06/2010
In response to George Osborne’s Emergency Budget this afternoon (Tuesday 22 June), Rochdale Online reporter Paul Finnerty took to the streets of Castleton to get the public's...
The emergency budget from the new coalition government was announced this lunch time (Tuesday 22 June 2010). The Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne announced that...
A vetting scheme proposed by the previous Labour government has been put on hold amid claims that it was “draconian”. Anyone working with children as of July 2010 would have...
A bogus caller called at the home of a 98-year-old woman in Shawclough, claiming to be from the 'electric board'. When the pensioner refused him entry, it is thought he...
Joanne Rowe, 37, from Langley, Middleton, left school before completing her GCSEs and went out to work instead. She started a family and now has four children who are aged between...
It’s make or break for England tomorrow, but local agencies are concerned that win or lose some relationships might still suffer. A new campaign has been launched in Rochdale...
A Rochdale man is getting ready for the adventure of a lifetime – all in aid of charity. Kamran Nazir, from Shawclough, is heading to Tanzania on 13 July 2010 to trek to the...
VAT rises and cuts in public spending in the Chancellor’s budget will bring fear and anxiety to the North West, says the region’s TUC. Rises in VAT to 20 per cent, a child...
“Cooling off” was the order of the day earlier today (Tuesday 22 June 2010) when classes one and two from Holy Trinity CE Primary School paid a visit to Littleborough fire...
North West wellbeing and health campaign Our Life today welcomed a hard-hitting report by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence which called for major changes to...
RSM Tenon early reaction to the Emergency Budget. On any analysis the Budget which we have just heard was extraordinary. It was not just the scale of the cuts and tax...
Following the recent announcement that Rochdale Council was to sell off three more plots of land at a £1 price tag to different housing associations, the Council's lead on housing...
A Rochdale Euro-MP's 6 year campaign to try and halt the destruction of tropical rainforests has secured a major victory. The import into Europe of timber from illegal sources...
A night in the local pub turned into tragedy for Heywood mum-of-three Emma O’Kane in December 2008. The 27-year-old died after being cut from a shard of glass from a bottle thrown...
Thank you to those pupils who attended the mask making workshop this week. It is hoped that your masks will be ready for you to paint and take home soon. See Mr DeCourcey for more...
When Naomi Rushworth from Rochdale was 16 years old, she went to study Key Skills at Rathbone training centre. Working as a Training Assistant for a year she helped the...
Pupils from Hollingworth Business and Enterprise College at Cornfield Street, Milnrow investigated a mock crime scene as part of a one-day forensics workshop. The students...
Reminders: Year 4 swimming each Wednesday, from 21 April to 14 July 2010 inclusive Junior milk money due 2 July Unit One trip money due 30 June Library books to be...
With just an hour or so to go until the new coalition government announce their emergency budget, businesses in Rochdale are apprehensive of what to expect. Rochdale Online...
The wait is over for local bands who want a chance of appearing at this years Feel Good Festival. Over 30 entries have been considered by festival organisers, who have...