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73315 Article(s) Found
Controversial plans to build a Tesco store in the heart of Littleborough have been passed by Rochdale Borough Council Licensing and Regulatory Committee in a meeting this evening...
Date Published 28/01/2014
With less than six months to go before the Tour de France comes to Rochdale, planning for the world’s biggest free sporting event is well under way. Rochdale Borough Council...
Residents in Rochdale and Pennines have just days left to bid for a share of almost £17,000 to fund community projects. The money is up for grabs as part of RBH’s...
Smithy Bridge Station subway has been cleaned up after it was described as being in a “parlous state” by members of rail group STORM (Support The Oldham Rochdale Manchester line).
The Stroke Association is encouraging people to sign up to a 5k, 10k or 15k Resolution Run on Sunday 2 March at Heaton Park. The event is one of 19 Resolution Runs taking...
Keira Walsh has already crammed a lot in to her short but promising football career. The England Under-17s vice-captain has already played in an FA Youth Cup final against...
After a long break because of the Wider Welcome building work on our newly extended and refurbished parish room, our once-a-month parish lunch is now up and running again. The...
Wintry showers and falling temperatures are likely to lead to some icy surfaces late on Wednesday and during Thursday morning. Some areas may see slight falls of snow, most...
An intelligent and articulate teenager left a heart-wrenching message to his girlfriend before jumping from a motorway bridge.
Dale's fixture versus Northampton Town at Sixfields has been postponed following a 12pm pitch inspection. The recent heavy rain has left the pitch very wet, with the high water...
Whitworth Community High School took on the huge task of staging Disney's High School Musical last December and were thrilled to receive many rave reviews. The cast had been...
Commenting on today’s GDP figures, Darrell Matthews, Region Director for the North West at EEF, the manufacturers’ organisation, said: “Good economic news continued in the last...
Local watchdogs want patient’s views on the patient transport service provided by Arriva Transport. Healthwatch Rochdale has joined forces with eight other Greater Manchester...
The signal box at Smithy Bridge Station has closed as signalling will now be controlled by a new Rochdale West box. The box controlled level crossings and acted as a fringe...
Crime and grime in Heywood town centre and the Angel Meadows estate are to be tackled in a day of action on 7 February 2014. Throughout the day, teams from the council, police...
A public meeting regarding the proposed housing development on the former Akzo Nobel site saw a number of concerns raised by members of the public. At the meeting, residents...
Chris Marland has been named Community Champion. At the Rochdale Police Divisional Awards, Chris was awarded a Rochdale Division Commander's Certificate for his work in the...
Lewis Threlfall has been named Young Citizen of the Year. At the Rochdale Police Divisional Awards, Lewis, Rochdale’s Children’s Champion, was awarded a Rochdale Division...
Police targeted illegal vehicles as part of a national day of action to target metal theft. During the day police stopped 24 vehicles and issued £3,800 of fines to drivers...
A 14-year-old boy was punched in the face for his iPhone. At around 5.45pm on Friday 17 January 2014, the boy was walking through Middleton town centre with his friends when...
Gale Whittick and Kim Hawkesford are preparing to run the London marathon to raise money for their chosen charities. Gale will be running the marathon to raise money for The...
Date Published 27/01/2014
Fifty years ago this month, a small group of Rochdale railway enthusiasts founded what has now become known as the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Preservation Trust. The...
An inquest has heard that John Cannan, 51, from Heywood died after choking on food in a Middle Eastern airport. The dad of two collapsed at the airport on his way home from...
Celebrate the 14th National Storytelling Week (1 – 8 February) with Rochdale Borough Libraries and Bookstart Bear to help start a new chapter in your child’s lifelong love of...
The cost of parking permits is being reduced by 25 per cent by Rochdale Borough Council. Parking tariffs in council car parks across the borough will also be frozen at their...
Our morning service at 10.30am on Sunday is an Own Arrangements service led by the Stewards. There will also be Sunday Club activities for children aged 5-15.
The winners of the Rochdale Borough Design Awards will be announced on Thursday 20 February during a ceremony at Rochdale Town Hall. They will be presented by Steve McIntyre,...
The founders of a successful Rochdale business received a ‘sweet’ send off to celebrate their retirement. John and Maureen Hall ran John Hall Schoolwear from Fieldhouse...
A campaign has been launched to restore play equipment to an abandoned children’s park. The pocket-park on the Cray Estate has been neglected for years and toddler play...
The North West saw stronger than expected growth last year, according to the latest Quarterly Economic Survey (QES) from Chambers of Commerce North West. While 2013 began with...