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59651 Article(s) Found
A Rochdale Councillor who quit the Liberal Democrat party in December has joined the Conservative Party. Milkstone and Deeplish ward Councillor Mohammad Sharif resigned from...
Date Published 17/03/2011
A man has been convicted of the murder of Rochdale man, Paul Brady, following his disappearance and a violent kidnap in Bacup Paul Devalda, 35, of Padiham Road, Burnley, was...
The RSPCA fears that many baby animals are being separated from their parents every spring by well-meaning people who mistakenly assume they have been abandoned.
Date Published 16/03/2011
Seven Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service fire-fighters in Japan as part of international search and rescue efforts are wearing radiation monitors and searching in heavy...
Police across Rochdale arrested 91 burglars, robbers and thieves last week (7-13 March) in the latest purge on crime. A number of cannabis farms, including premises in Heywood...
Austerity measures by the Government will see the number of people chasing every job vacancy rise. On the day new unemployment figures were released, the TUC accused ministers...
Local brewer JW Lees is calling on MPs to join the campaign to freeze beer tax ahead of the Budget.
Students from Hopwood Hall College have recently visited the Higher Education Convention in Manchester.
In the coalition Government’s emergency budget of June 2010 changes to the Local Housing Allowance (LHA) scheme were announced. These changes will affect tenants who rent from or...
This Friday 18 March is Red Nose Day. If you pay 50p you can come to school in your pyjamas or also have a ‘bad hair day’ – you must NOT wear make-up or use hair dye. No football...
Class Attendance Award went to Mrs Wetton Class 8. Stars of the Week: Caitlin Butterworth, Ben Harrison, Mateus Klejbach, Lorraine Doyle, Ellie Whitworth, Charlotte Mason, Emma...
Congratulations to the year 9 Netball team on their success in the Rochdale Borough League, which they won without losing a match. They also got runners up in the Tournament. Well...
Tomorrow (Thursday 17 March 2011) is St Patrick’s Day – when traditionally many people from across Greater Manchester will take part in celebrations. But remember it’s not the...
Congratulations to the two groups who participated in the Youth Speaks competition and to Mrs Crossland who supported and helped them, not least with the transport. The Falinge...
Letters out this week: Music tuition fees
Footballers from Redwood Secondary School represented Rochdale Football Club against MK Dons on Saturday 5 March.
Children from a Rochdale primary school are celebrating the start of spring with an Easter charity concert at Manchester Cathedral.
The borough’s foster carers donned their tuxedos and ball gowns at the weekend for the annual awards ceremony which is held to thank all carers for their invaluable service.
The international search and rescue efforts in Japan continue, with a joint UK/US team, including seven fire fighters from Greater Manchester, operating in the northern town of...
North West students are becoming more imaginative when it comes to making and managing their money, a survey published today by the Student Loans Company (SLC) reveals.
Plans to change The Klondike on Chichester Street into a site for the storage, processing and recycling of waste, building and demolition materials has been...
Date Published 15/03/2011
Outline plans for the creation of a new public open space and development including shops, bars and restaurants, close to Castleton train station have been approved by Councillors...
Outline planning permission for a mixed use development at the former Woolworth site on Royle Barn Road on Castleton has been approved.
Plans to build a residential development on land at the Mayfield Sports Centre, Keswick Street, Castleton, have been rejected. An application to build 35 houses and...
Planning permission to erect two 30 metre high wind turbines off Castle Hill Road at Birtle to supply power to a farm has been refused. The application relates to two separate...
Lourdes Pilgrimage 2011 'The Children's Group' presents: Musical Friends 'Songs from the Shows' on Saturday 2 April – 8.00pm start in St Patrick's School, Foxholes Road, Rochdale....
On Monday 7 March artist Jill Randall came into school to work with groups of students from Years 10, 11 and 13.
A woman has had her car stolen during a robbery in Middleton. At around 5.25pm yesterday (Monday 14 March 2011), a 38-year-old woman was parked outside St Mary’s RC Junior...
People from Rochdale full of admiration for brave fire-fighters searching for survivors in Japan can now leave messages of support on the latest Twitter and Facebook feeds.
Issmaeel Ansari and Harrison Groome (Year 9) and Joe Hamblett and Junaid Naseer (Year 8) represented the school at Manchester University in the UK Mathematics Trust regional...