Michael Gove meets Awaab Ishak's family in Rochdale

Date published: 24 November 2022

Housing Secretary Michael Gove met with Awaab Ishak’s parents in Rochdale on Thursday (24 November).

The family had three main points that they wanted to discuss with the Secretary of State and have said that he provided his backing to all three: legislation, progress reports and dealing with the matters raised in a comprehensive Prevention of Future Deaths made by the coroner at the close of Awaab’s inquest.

The family is pushing for the implementation of an ‘Awaab’s Law’ – which would significantly improve the experiences of those living with mould and damp in their properties and is therefore crucial – to ensure that no other family go through what they have been through.

Mr Gove has provided his support for the law and has agreed to provide progress reports, both to the family, and to the nation, of changes being made. The Social Housing Regulation Bill is currently going through Parliament.

He has also agreed to come back to Rochdale and meet the family in six months’ time to personally update them on progress.

Finally, the coroner produced a comprehensive Prevention of Future Deaths report at the close of Awaab Ishak’s inquest. The Secretary of State has confirmed to the family that he will deal with the matters raised in this report in full.

A spokesperson for the solicitors representing the family said: “The family would like to thank Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, and his team for making the time to meet them in Rochdale today.

“The meeting was productive, and the family are hopeful and closely watching to see that the meaningful changes promised by Michael Gove come about.

“They are encouraged by Michael Gove’s remarks, however are keen for what took place in the meeting to be read out in public. This is in an effort to assure not only others living in social housing, but also the public, are able to hold the Secretary of State and the government, to account.”


Awaab Ishak
Awaab Ishak


“The family would also like to take this moment to make their thoughts clear in relation to RBH’s leadership. The family have no confidence in RBH’s board. They call for the board’s resignation and believe that, while the current board remains, there is an ever-present risk and danger to RBH tenants. The family are struggling to grapple with the fact that, while grieving the loss of their child, RBH were expressing confidence in their CEO.

“They also cannot understand why it took so long for RBH to, in any way, acknowledge that it was wrong for them to have made “assumptions” about the lifestyle of Mr Abdullah and Ms Amin – particularly given the coroner’s findings.

“RBH have immediate and urgent issues that need to be addressed to ensure the safety of their tenants. The family do not feel this board has the competence or credibility to do the job. This is a view that has been expressed by many.



“The family once again, wish to express their thanks for the love and support that has been shown.

“They felt ignored by RBH, but feel warmed that the public are listening. They would also encourage the public to go to change.org and sign the petition for an Awaab’s Law.”

An adjournment debate, initiated by Rochdale MP, Tony Lloyd, will be taking place in relation to Awaab and RBH this evening in Parliament. Awaab's family encourage the public to watch the debate and continue to apply pressure on the government.

In a statement, the board of RBH said: “We welcomed the opportunity to meet with the Secretary of State. We acknowledged again that we got things wrong and how deeply sorry we are for the loss of Awaab and that we know that our words would not take away the pain that is being felt by his family. 

“We explained to the Secretary of State that we welcomed the impartial scrutiny that the regulator will bring and we look forward to working more closely with all parties over the coming months.

“We are absolutely focused on improving the quality of our existing homes and improving any operational areas where we have previously underperformed.

“Our immediate priority is to maintain the stability of the organisation and to appoint a new interim chief executive which we are in the process of doing.

“The board is reflecting on the appropriate blend of skills and experience needed to lead the organisation going forward.

“The board will take the decision in dialogue with the regulator and RBH’s representative body to ensure that there is a well-managed succession plan for the future.”

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