“I’ve done bad things”: Man jailed for life after brutal killing of mum's former partner

Date published: 27 June 2024

A Heywood man has been jailed for life for the brutal murder of a 75-year-old man - his mum's former partner, in an attack in January last year.

Andrew Hall, 59, accessed the home of 75-year-old Geoffrey Ives armed with two knives, before stabbing him in the face and neck - causing extensive blood loss which led to his death.

Immediately after the attack on 27 January 2023, in breach of a restraining order for previously harassing his ex-partner, Hall travelled by taxi to her home in Middleton and smashed his way in through the conservatory door.

When he realised his ex-partner was not present, Hall threatened those who were in the house with the two knives, including the vegetable knife he had used to stab Mr Ives just an hour before.

Hall’s ex-partner’s son tackled and restrained Hall until police arrived. Officers seized the vegetable knife which had been discarded in an upstairs room.

After being arrested for aggravated burglary, he told officers he had been settling scores that night but refused to give them further details.

Mr Ives’ body was discovered two days later.

Following a police investigation Hall was linked to his death and when the vegetable knife was forensically examined, it contained Mr Ives’ blood.

At a previous hearing Hall pleaded guilty to breaching the restraining order but denied murder and aggravated burglary. He was was found guilty on 24 June.

Yesterday (Wednesday 26 June) Andrew Hall of Crown Road, Heywood was sentenced to 28 years for murder and six years for aggravated burglary after being found guilty following a trial at Minshull Street Crown Court.

Whilst under caution Hall disclosed key information that would later link him to the murder - key statements included “I’m going to jail for life” and “I’ve done bad things”.


The victim, Geoffrey Ives
The victim, Geoffrey Ives


Senior Investigating Officer and Temporary Detective Superintendent David Moores said: “I’m pleased for Geoffrey’s loved ones we have now managed to bring them some closure and justice to this ordeal and our condolences as a force remain with them as they still come to terms with their loss.

“We’ll never really know what motivated Hall to attack Geoffrey on that night in question, but after discovering a murder scene, Hall’s blazingly disregard, and lack of care meant he kept reoffending in the local area causing a direct threat to the public.

“Thanks to a swift response to those incidents from our local officers we were able to detain him and after securing evidence from body worn video which raised suspicions as well as painstakingly tracking his movements on CCTV, we were able to prove that he was responsible for this horrific act where he took the life a much-loved family figure.”

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