Blooming marvellous: Primary school pupils spruce up Taylor Park

Date published: 20 June 2024

Young green thumbs from St Vincent's RC Primary School in Norden are sprucing up Taylor Park as part of the ‘plot to plate’ programme with In Bloom groups and Friends of Taylor Park.

Thanks to local business H Bell & Sons, the pupils have a variety of seeds, including herbs, vegetables, and pest-deterring flowers, to nurture.

After starting the germination process at school, the eager gardeners strolled to Taylor Park to plant their seedlings. The planters were specially crafted by Louise and Michael Scott from H Bell & Sons, both volunteers with Friends of Taylor Park, Norden In Bloom and Rochdale In Bloom.

Taylor Park, a hidden gem just five minutes from St Vincent's, offers a slice of tranquillity and history. Purchased by the Taylor family in the early 1900s and later gifted to Rochdale Borough Council, the park is now a haven maintained by Friends of Taylor Park, local residents, and volunteers, with support from Rochdale Environmental Management and donations from H Bell & Sons. It’s a perfect spot for a peaceful walk, a dog stroll, or community gatherings.

Fifty enthusiastic children, along with their teachers and H Bell’s representatives, rolled up their sleeves to plant the seedlings. Mrs Fallon, Mrs Nangle, Mrs Smith, Mrs Smith, and Mrs Surgeon from the school joined forces with volunteer Louise Scott, who gave an insightful talk on plant growth and the food chain. The curious kids dug in, asking plenty of questions about the park and its flora.

"It was inspiring to hear the inquisitive questions asked about the plants and the park, including the boxes in the trees and what they were used for," remarked Louise.

Mrs Veronica Smith from St Vincent’s added, "The children from the Year 2 classes at St Vincent's have thoroughly enjoyed their experience participating in the children's project at Taylor Park. What a wonderful way to enrich their education.

"The children grew herbs from seeds into seedlings, then transferred them into our special planters. Mrs Brooks, the headteacher, is very proud of the children's hard work."

The budding horticulturists will keep visiting the park for reading hours and to monitor their plants' progress, eagerly awaiting the day they can taste the fruits (or herbs) of their labour.

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