Pensioner’s Convention held at Rochdale Town Hall

Date published: 28 September 2018

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Pensioners from around the borough were invited to enjoy a Pensioner’s Convention at Rochdale Town Hall on Tuesday (25 September).

The event, organised by the Mayor of Rochdale, Mohammed Zaman, was the first Pensioner Convention to be held in the great hall and aimed to raise awareness and eliminate any issues that pensioners have.


Mayor Mohammed Zaman and Dorothy Johnstone, Rochdale Ceremonial Manager (right) at the first Pensioner Convention
Mayor Mohammed Zaman and Dorothy Johnstone, Rochdale Ceremonial Manager (right) at the first Pensioner Convention


The day featured information stalls from local groups such as Ambition for Ageing, Community Connectors, Adult Social Care, The Royal British Legion, Rochdale Shopmobility, Link4Life, Stroke Prevention, Rochdale Development Agency, NHS Rochdale Health Alliance and Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale Circle, who all provide services to the elderly.


Councillor Billy Sheerin at the Pensioner Convention
Councillor Billy Sheerin at the Pensioner Convention


The host Neil Gibbons, of Gibbons Prima Dance company, provided music and entertainment and spoke of the benefits of dancing for pensioners. Over 250 attendees enjoyed sequences such as the White City Waltz, The Barn Dance, Square Tango, Rumba One, Alpine Stroll and the Modern Waltz.


Dancing at Rochdale Pensioner Convention


A raffle, cake and goodie bags were provided throughout the day.

Mr Gibbons said: “There are many benefits to dancing - it keeps you mentally alert, maintains your fitness and most importantly helps you to have a social life.

“I run regular dance and fitness classes with my partner Alison, and I think it’s a great way to keep the elderly engaged and active.”

The convention was funded by Ambition for Ageing, located at KYP (Kashmiri Youth Project).

John Aitken, the Ambition for Aging co-ordinator, said: “Seeing everyone dancing, enjoying food and sharing conversation created a feel-good factor experienced by all those involved. KYP and Ambition for Ageing are proud to have helped make this event for older people possible.

“It was great to get the message out about Ambition for Ageing and its ongoing work to reduce social isolation in Rochdale. A big thanks also for the organisations that attended to share information and services.”

Mayor Zaman said: “During my time as Mayor, I have up to now visited around 30 luncheon clubs and pensioner groups around the borough and spoke to them about their issues and concerns. The main issues that stood out amongst these groups were the feelings of social isolation and loneliness, the inability to complete day to day tasks, struggles with online systems and health concerns.

“I organised this event in the hopes that these people would no longer have these issues as they will now have others to talk to and more groups to join.

“The convention aimed to help, guide and unite pensioners and I think more events should be promoted like this in Rochdale to improve the wellbeing of our seniors.

“Thank you to Neil and his dance partner Alison for running their tea dance at the town hall every Tuesday and for hosting this event. I really appreciate all their support and hard work. Thank you also to KYP, who we couldn’t have run this event without.”


Rochdale Pensioner Convention


Council leader Councillor Allen Brett said: “Although I don’t look it, I’m a pensioner of quite long standing.

“Thank you to Mr Mayor for hosting this wonderful afternoon.”

Dancing at the pensioner's convention

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