
Local Election 2018

Robert  McLean

Robert McLean

Liberal Democrat Party
Healey Ward

20 Fletton Close
OL12 6BF

I am proud to come from Rochdale, I am proud to live in Healey and I am proud to be your Liberal Democrat Candidate for the local elections on May 3rd.  I work as a Finance Director for a social enterprise, working in some of our most deprived communities helping people from all walks of life with health and social care – making a real difference where it is needed most. I am married with two young daughters and am pleased to be a governor at their school.

As I have been talking to residents in recent months, I have found that too many are feeling ignored by our current councillors and administration and are ready for a change.  They want a councillor who will be ACCESSIBLE, ACCOUNTABLE & ACTIVE - who will put the needs of Syke, Shawclough and Healey ahead of a party agenda. I am that candidate!

Many times I have heard councillors refer to the areas they represent as ‘my ward’; well Healey is not mine it is ours. There are so many issues that need attention and it is the residents who have been leading in showing us what these issues are. We have already been able to do so much together in seeing repairs to roads and grass verges, street signs, traffic issues, flooding and fly tipping. This is not about me telling you what the priorities are for Healey, you know these as well if not better than us, that is why I’ve asked you for the priorities that we need to tackle together.

These are:

  • The contaminated land at the old TBA site borders onto our ward, this cannot continue to be ignored. Residents need answers and I am joining others in campaigning for the site to be made safe and converted into a country park.
  • Fly tipping is a serious on-going issue throughout the ward, both industrial and domestic – I am pushing for fast clean-ups, temporary cameras in key hot-spots and effective enforcement to tackle this problem.
  • Investment for our roads and pavements is being seen as a politically biased campaign tool, we need to ensure Healey gets it’s fair share of funding, so that roads like Gale Street and Thrum Hall Lane can be made safe and further accidents avoided.
  • The increase in councillor allowance has annoyed many people in Healey, our three local Labour councillors have all taken the increase. My pledge is to not only refuse the new rate, but any allowance I do accept will be at least 10% LESS than councillors were receiving BEFORE these rises. Instead, I will campaign for these extra funds to go directly to our ward to finance the comparatively smaller issues which make a big difference to you.
  • Many areas of the ward have been requesting new grit bins or maintenance of current ones, in some cases such as around St Wilfred’s Drive, for many years. I wish push for funds, released from my reduced allowances, to be used to provide these bins.
  • You told me you want a councillor who is accessible to you, I will be that councillor. I will be available throughout the ward in person, on the phone and by email and will seek new ways of ensuring you can reach YOUR elected representative.

Local politics should be about local people and local issues, your vote in May is not about sending a message nationally, this is about who is best to stand up for our community and the things that matter to you. I believe that it is time for change in Healey, moving beyond party politics to putting the residents of Syke, Shawclough and Healey first. I am asking you to join me in this and stand up, not for a party, but for the needs of the people of Healey and Rochdale.

Lend me your vote on Thursday 3rd May, and I promise to spend the next four years earning it.

Local Election 2018
