
Local Election 2018

Peter   Rush

Peter Rush

Labour Party
North Heywood Ward

2 Clitheroe Close
OL10 4XF

I have been a North Ward Councillor since May 2006 and in that time my wife Monica and I were proud to serve as the Mayor and Mayoress of Rochdale Borough. To be able to represent Heywood in this capacity was a proud moment for both of us.

When elected in 2006 I was on the working party for Building Schools for the Future. This enabled me to be part of what I believed was a good deal for Heywood.

I represented the borough on the Planning and Licencing Committee where I am the Vice Chair. I have been elected onto the RBH committee and this has given me an insight into all of the RBH properties within my ward. If a constituent has a problem with their tenancy with RBH I am up to date with all of the legislation and available to advise and to help.

I am a school governor at St. Luke’s and All Souls primary schools which are both in my ward. It is a pleasure to see that the governance of these schools is correctly adhered to.

On of my was studies was to bring the Ophthalmology Clinic back into the Phoenix Centre. This clinic was moved a few years ago to Rochdale and this was a massive inconvenience to the people of Heywood. After fighting tirelessly with the authorities, I managed to have the clinic return to Heywood on a permanent footing.

On a day to day basis I am involved in all types of casework and I hold regular surgeries throughout the ward. The times and days of these can be found on the council website. I also give a lot of time to local charities that service our community and have helped to raise many thousands of pounds over many years.

Just to keep everyone in the picture, a further £12 million has been allocated, £10 million for highways and £2 million for footpaths, to get the boroughs roads and footpaths up to scratch. I, along with my fellow Heywood councillors, will work to ensure that Heywood gets its fair shar of these resources.

Last Year I was elected Chair of Heywood Township Committee. I am glad to say it is a united Labour township and I am happy to be working alongside all of my fellow councillors.

My policy is ‘Local Politics for Local People’.

Putting Heywood First.

Local Election 2018
