Jordan Eves
Green Party
Balderstone & Kirkholt Ward
I am very pleased to be a candidate for my second year doing so. I am Balderstone & Kirkholt’s option to express a vote for The Green Party of England & Wales, and my passion is our local area.
I acknowledge that whilst socialist ideas include clear plans for structure, it is often not made clear as to whether a party prioritises government first to drive change or if the party members all agree that people, communities, businesses, and affiliates are the best groups to take us all forwards.
My viewpoint is that this should not be government acting selfishly and independent of people and communities.
We are greens. We conserve the ecology of our surroundings. This includes environmental conservation. Much good has been done by the British people to care for wildlife and nature across Britain. Congratulations to all the busy people making this so. Hence, we should be sure to not allow our achievements to be in vain and together promote the restoration of clean waters in our rivers and streams, and work between local councils and constituencies to ensure that all land designated for re-use is properly remediated and our time and efforts are duly allocated. No more sweeping environmental damage under the carpet, so to speak, and repeatedly leaving a more difficult challenge to a future generation.
Pubs should be conserved, and I therefore express appraisal of previous governmental efforts to liberally put shops and pubs into the care of communities. I would certainly recommend this course of action to be used again in the future. Enjoying a drink whilst socialising in a public house with friends, peers, locals, and new faces is amongst the greenest of activities, and expansion is needed.
Last year I pitched my pledge to give full support to the existence and maintenance of wind turbines that stretch from Rochdale to Edenfield. This remains my pledge. We must continue to prioritise the development of renewable energy technologies and structures without criticising the energy and power output of these assets, and invest in any government, or corporate bodies that own these assets.
Hydro electric power must be used carefully ensuring that the mechanisms are friendly to aquatic life, and this can be implemented via technological innovation. Furthermore, improved water treatment technologies can be the subject of an investigative agenda. All solutions must be explored aided by investment and research.
Nuclear power needs more intelligent minds far and wide to create new technological solutions to deal with radioactive waste. This cannot simply be stockpiled as hazardous waste with no current use. With research and breakthroughs, this could be a resource, an energy source that of course would not disperse more carbon into to our atmosphere. This kind of breakthrough I believe can be achieved.
No to nuclear weapons, and yes to strong armed forces and a strong naval fleet.
Police recruitment must be a process that is considerate of the simple common sense that candidates aiming to join the constabulary will never fail at an honest job in law enforcement if they are individuals who can show empathy for the needs of each person they will be serving in the public.
When public transport issues require attention, prompt responses are important to keep these services operational. I will devote special attention to public transport, pathways and roads.
We must continue to encourage the use of our parks and green spaces for sports such as football, rugby, and cricket. I want our travel routes to be enjoyable for cyclists but also for people that run distances for sports or health and fitness.
Choose me to join our local council to ensure that every generation of locals gets to play their part in everything good that we do. Especially the youngest, they deserve a better chance to prosper and build themselves an empire. What they build for themselves, and others, determines the future prospective securities for our ecology and our economy.
A strong and stable economy can help us all to obtain affordable tech and other essentials to keep us connected and thus I would encourage inclusive open groups online and more social activity between residents. One of my ideas is for a vlogging portal to be set up and managed by volunteers, capturing activities to raise awareness of what is happening around us.
I will be regularly conducting groups and surgeries with council peers if elected and will document what has been input so that we may return to past suggestions and concerns if they still need to be addressed or followed up.
Vote for Jordan Eves on your ballot paper and it is a vote for The Green Party and also a vote for a candidate that respects the needs and wants of residents and cares about the local area, its history, and our future.
Thank you,
You can get into a discussion with me or ask me questions on Twitter if you like. @jordanevesgreen