Jordan Eves
Green Party
Balderstone & Kirkholt Ward
My name is Jordan Eves. I will be 37 years of age at this year’s election, and I have always lived in Rochdale. I care a lot about each local resident and wish for everybody to feel like where they live is the best place to call home.
It is my priority that each person in Balderstone & Kirkholt is enjoying the local area. We can stand up for how well we can do together and feel proud. I promote the sense of community that increases respect for the things we share locally.
For our wellbeing, let us work together to maintain a litter free area. This must always be considered because if it is untidy outside, it can affect our happiness indoors at home. Many of us may have felt this.
I care about the cleanliness and appearance of our local canal and streams and will ensure that I speak up for the upkeep of the condition of the local canal.
I will seek ways in which we can improve flood defences for the Roch River as the potential for flooding harms town centre development and may reverse progress and gains for Rochdale residents. A town centre should have improved flood defences.
I pledge to promote and support the upkeep and maintenance of wind turbines high up around the valley in the north of Rochdale. This renewable source of energy is clean and much more valuable than some critics may say. The resulting cleaner air across Greater Manchester eases other pressures within the topic of clean air regulations.
I will promote appraisal of each person that follows regulations on annual vehicle safety tests (MOTs). Vehicles will run cleaner but most of all, safety is promoted, and this is best for all. It’s not fair on persons who take on these responsibilities if people are actively avoiding checks. Each person that does their bit should be getting recognition.
I speak against building on green-belt land and praise the usage of existing urban spaces.
I will speak up for minimum wage increases. The economy will grow, and the active cycle of business, work, and trading would create more custom for employers and their businesses making wage increases the way forwards for the economy.
Thank you,
You can get into a discussion with me or ask me questions on Twitter if you like.