Mark Hollinrake
Green Party
Kingsway Ward
51 Turf Hill Road
OL16 3TX
My name is Mark Hollinrake, and I am standing for the Green Party in Kingsway Ward.
Before my statement, I am truly amazed and shocked that the Labour Party have deselected the very loyal and effective long-standing local councillor, Lynne Brosnan, who has served the local community extremely well. She was and still is a part of the local community.
I was born in Rochdale 55 years ago and have lived in Rochdale all of my life.
44 years a Rochdale AFC supporter.
I have lived in Turf Hill with my family for 25 years.
I know the area well.
I care for the area.
I am keen to see the area improved for the better.
We need more investment, more properly paid jobs, more decent housing, etc, both in Kingsway, and in the town. More has to be done to get and keep the area tidy and litter free.
There is a terrible problem with litter and things like dog mess. More needs to be done to tackle these problems, so we need more enforcement officers in the areas. But there needs to be more litter bins for people to put their rubbish or dog mess into.
Also, problems with cars parked poorly, making it difficult for people with prams, or wheelchairs to navigate on pavements, especially around schools, this causes a danger to children especially, at start and finish of the school days. There should be a priority for traffic wardens and police to keep areas around schools safer for children and others.
But there are many other problems.
If elected I will conduct resident surveys to find out what local people want, not what politicians and council officers think they want.
I will hold regular surgeries around the ward.
I will always be happy to hear from residents what they think needs improving, and to help with any problems they might have, possible by pointing them in the right direction to get that help, if it’s not what the Council deals with.
There is also an unreasonable and unfair gap between the lowest paid council workers and the highest paid council officers, and this needs addressing.
I am a Trade Unionist member of Unite and a PCS shop steward. I am an Eco Socialist, believing in policies that benefit the vast majority of the population, not just the few.
Scrapping billions of pounds wasted on nuclear weapons and instead improving health, education, care for the elderly etc. that would benefit the majority of people.
End and reverse all of the privatisations in our NHS and other public services by this and the three governments before that. Bringing back into public ownership the railways.
Making sure all publically funded schools are staffed fully by qualified teachers and are under local government control, oppose totally the movement to free schools/academy schools that are not accountable to local people.
I support the policies of the Green Party, policies that have been ditched by other political parties, as they try to appease the rich and powerful of this country including the media.
Votes for 16-year olds, scrap university fees, free bus travel to and from school for school and college students. Return of the EMA for 16-19-year olds in education, not dependent on parent/guardian income.
Only the Green Party have good decent policies for human and animal rights, as indicated by their actions in the European parliament.
Locally we should be ensuring local work is done by local companies with local people. In the past we even had consultants coming into the town (from Yorkshire!) to tell us what we need to do to improve the town. Other towns (for example Preston) have kept services local and reaped the benefits.
Locally, and nationally we should not be building on Green Belt land. Nor should we be building anything other than affordable houses to buy or rent. There is enough land available for housing that has previously been used in other ways (where there was once factories and shops for instance).
These derelict sites could also be given over to local groups to use prior to being used. There is a lot of land all over Rochdale that has lain unused for years. Let people use it for recreational purposes until it is needed.
I do not understand why there is a threat to demolish some of the 'seven sisters' against the wishes of residents, and I fully support their cause. Another issue that does not make sense.
These are local elections, but national Green Party policies are relevant locally. The council should clearly and openly oppose fracking. Integrated publicly owned railways and buses are common sense. These should also be electrically powered. Building laws should insist that all new buildings incorporate environmentally sound measures such as solar panels. Policies to improve the environment are of particular concern to me. Having experienced pollution elsewhere I know how important it is to stop choking the planet.
These measures should be in the minds of the local council and opportunities should be taken to further them where possible.
Our policies are vital, and we would encourage main stream parties to adopt them. We can take credit for some policies already, but the important thing is to get them introduced, not to look important.
Vote Green for the Common Good.
People have been let down by politicians, and the tired old parties that have failed this town. We want things done differently, to be bold and challenging.
We are fed up with policies that tinker around the edge. We want real change that benefits those living in this borough and our environment.
A Real Change: from austerity and welfare cuts to investment in real decent jobs that help to make our environment better. £10 minimum/living wage, and an end to Zero hours contracts for those that need guaranteed hours. Ending of the bedroom tax. Decent basic pension, £180 a week for single, £320 for pensioner couple.
A Real Change: from privatisation for the benefit of the few to real local management of essential services not driven by corporate greed.
A Real Change: from subsidies for Fracking and dependence on fossil fuels to a sustainable world we can pass on to our children.
The Green Party stands for that real change that we need. A real change for Kingsway, and a real change for Rochdale.
Please vote GREEN in the local Council elections and for Mark Hollinrake in Kingsway, on Thursday 2 May.
Contact me by email:
Please read the Green Party's policies on their website: