Police News - Rochdale North

Date published: 12 October 2014

Friday 3 October to Friday 10 October 2014

David Ellcock, 52, from Rochdale has been arrested for breach of bail. He was recently charged for an assault and was ordered not to contact the victim or attend the victim’s address. He was found in the property and subsequently arrested and conveyed to Bury and Rochdale Magistrates 9 October 2014.

A 14-year-old male was arrested 7 October and charged with an offence of assault and criminal damage. He was bailed to appear at Bury and Rochdale Youth Court 9 October 2014.

Christopher Farrell, 27, was arrested on 9 October and charged with harassment and criminal damage. It is alleged he attended the victim’s address when prohibited by a restraining order and caused damage to a property. He was conveyed to Bury and Rochdale Magistrates Court 10 October 2014.

Craig Fox, 30, from Rochdale, was arrested on 7 October on suspicion of causing an assault. He was later charged with the offence and bailed to appear at Bury and Rochdale Magistrates Court 27 October 2014.

David Clegg, 45, from Rochdale, has been charged with an assault 7 October and bailed to appear at Bury and Rochdale Magistrates Court 27 October 2014.

Lawrence Connor, 18, from Rochdale, was arrested on 7 October and charged on 8 October with use of a motor vehicle with no insurance and no driving licence. Connor has been bailed to appear at Bury and Rochdale Magistrates 30 October 2014.

A man from Rochdale was arrested on 8 October and released on bail (with conditions) on 9 October 2014 pending further enquiries. It is alleged he committed an assault and criminal damage to a property. He is bailed to re-appear at Bury Custody Office 7 November 2014.

Rochdale Central
Domestic Burglary = 3
Other Burglary = 2
Aggravated Vehicle Taking = 0
Robbery = 0
Vehicle Interference = 0
Theft From A Vehicle = 2
Theft Of Pedal Cycle = 0
Theft Of A Vehicle = 0
Criminal Damage = 5
Drug Offences = 0

Regent Street - Burglary - 4 October 2pm
Unknown offenders approach premises from the front of Regent Street. One offender remains at the front whilst the second offender accesses the rear through insecure ginnell. While in rear garden offender uses large coping stone to smash ground floor kitchen window near to handle making an attempt to open. However, the victim arrives home and disturbs offenders who make off towards Yorkshire Street. 

Ada Street - Burglary Other Than Dwelling - between 7pm 3 October and 6pm 4 October Break in to garden shed, damage fence to gain entry and damage padlock to gain entry to shed.

Maude Street - Burglary Other Than Dwelling - between 3 October 7pm and 4 October 4am
Garage entered via damaging window, catch released, property removed. 

Blanche Street - Criminal Damage - between 5 October and 6 October 12pm - 8am
Unknown offender/s approach parked motor vehicle and cause missile to be thrown in the direction of the front of the vehicle striking front windscreen resulting in it smashing upon impact. Offender/s made off from the scene in an unknown direction.

West Street - Criminal Damage - 2 October between 12:09pm
Unknown offender/s approach victim's motor vehicle parked on street outside victim's home address. Offender/s throw concrete slab through windscreen of vehicle causing damage also to bonnet. Offender/s make off.

Domestic Burglary = 4
Other Burglary = 4
Aggravated Vehicle Taking = 0
Robbery = 1
Vehicle Interference = 0
Theft From A Vehicle = 0
Theft Of Pedal Cycle = 0
Theft Of A Vehicle = 0
Criminal Damage = 2
Drug Offences = 0

Martlett Avenue - Robbery (Business) - Tesco Express, 6 October 9pm
Two offenders with faces covered and gloves on enter the store and throw shopping basket by the entrance to keep the doors open. Both offenders holding machetes approach staff by till and point and shout "give me the f***ing money. Give me the f***ing money". Staff tell offenders to get out and they leave without stealing and make off towards War Office Road.

Camberley Drive - Burglary - 6 October between 12am - 2pm
Unknown offenders approach rear of detached house and force entry through rear patio door. Offenders conduct untidy search of whole property taking television set and car keys. Offenders leave the property via entry and make off in the victim's vehicle which was parked on the drive. Offender then abandons vehicle on Bury Road at junction with Wood Top Avenue.

War Office Road - Burglary Other - 8 October between 11:45pm and 8:30am 9 October
Unknown offender/s have removed vehicle keys from a window sill in the hall by unknown means, possibly hook and cane device. Once keys are removed offender/s have used them to get into the victim's motor vehicle which was parked on the drive. Offender/s then roll the vehicle down War Office Road in the direction of Rochdale, where,due to a fault on the car, several attempts have been made to start the car without success. Offender/s then leave the vehicle on Wordsworth Way and make off in an unknown direction. Vehicle stolen and has since been recovered.

Ash Lea - Burglary - 10 October 02:55am
Unknown offenders approach the front of a property and enter via an insecure ground floor front window and commence brief search of rooms. Offenders find vehicle keys and garage fob before being disturbed by the victim. Offenders exit via the kitchen door using the key left in the lock at side of the house and approach garage and open it using the fob, then using vehicle key they drive away in the vehicle making off in unknown direction.

Norford Way - Burglary - 9 October between 6:15pm - 7:15pm
Unknown, unseen offenders approach the property from an unknown direction and enter the rear garden via one of two side gates. Once in the rear garden the offenders use unknown item to smash double glazed glass patio doors and gain entry. Once inside the alarm sounds and the offenders pull the alarm box from the wall outside and also the key pad from the wall inside the house cutting off the alarm. Offenders then appear to have only searched two rooms before possibly being disturbed by the occupants returning home. Offenders made off empty handed in unknown direction.

Domestic Burglary = 0
Other Burglary = 0
Aggravated Vehicle Taking = 0
Robbery = 1
Vehicle Interference = 0
Theft From A Vehicle = 0
Theft Of Pedal Cycle = 0
Theft Of A Vehicle = 1
Criminal Damage = 1
Drug Offences = 1

Taylor Avenue - Robbery - 6 October - 4:30pm
The victim was walking along Taylor Avenue when one offender out of a group of five approaches from the side on a cycle and grabs and attempts to remove a handbag from victim's right shoulder. In the process of doing this the victim's phone falls from her pocket and the offender runs over the phone causing damage. The offender then says to the victim "you've got no phone". The offender, along with the rest of the group, make off over golf course.

Edenfield Road - Theft Of A Motor Vehicle - between 30 September and 1 October - 8:50pm - 7:10am
Unknown offenders approach parked secured motor vehicle in communal car park of flat block and remove the motor vehicle by unknown means. The vehicle is tracked to several locations and found in a garage dismantled with other stolen vehicles.

Bankfield Lane - Criminal Damage - 3 October - 8pm
Known offender being a resident at a care home (following argument with witnesses) has thrown plates and cups at first floor landing window to front of building causing crockery and window to smash.

Spotland and Falinge
Domestic Burglary = 6
Other Burglary = 2
Aggravated Vehicle Taking = 0
Robbery = 0
Vehicle Interference = 0
Theft From A Vehicle = 0
Theft Of Pedal Cycle = 0
Theft Of A Vehicle = 2
Criminal Damage = 5
Drug Offences = 1

Marlborough Street - Burglary and Theft of a Motor Vehicle - 4 October - 10:40pm
Unknown offender approaches the front of a house and gains entry via an unlocked front door, conducts a search of ground floor taking property, including the victim's house keys. The offender exits via the front door and makes off in a stolen van (belonging to a decorator who had been working in property).

Holmes Street, Falinge - Burglary - 7 October 3pm
Two unknown offenders approach the rear of the property. One offender one climbs onto the shed and climbs through an open bedroom window causing damage to blinds as offender two keeps look out. Offender one conducts an untidy search of the bedroom and selects items before exiting as per entry. Both offenders make off in the direction of Tell Street.

Edenfield Road - Burglary - 8 October 11:45pm
Unknown offender/s approach the front of the property and enter the rear garden via the side of the house. The offender approaches the rear window and using an unknown implement forced the upvc window which was locked. The offender entered the property via this window, activating the burglar alarm which caused the offender to leave via point of entry and make off in unknown direction.

Passmonds House, Edenfield Road - Theft of a Motor Vehicle - 2 October between 10pm and 11:45pm
Unknown offender(s) having burgled a care home by an insecure window, steal the vicitm's handbag, including vehicle keys from within office area of same. Exit premises and use stolen vehicle keys to steal the victim's motor vehicle, which was parked secure in the main car park of the premises. The offender(s) make off with the vehicle unseen.

Haslam Street - Criminal Damage - 7 October 2am
Two unknown offenders approach the property. One offender throws a house brick at the lounge window causing damage to the double glazed window. The second offender throws a house brick at a vehicle parked outside the address causing damage to the wind screen. Offenders made off in the direction they came from.

Domestic Burglary = 3
Other Burglary = 1
Aggravated Vehicle Taking = 0
Robbery = 1
Vehicle Interference = 0
Theft From A Vehicle = 0
Theft Of Pedal Cycle = 0
Theft Of A Vehicle = 0
Criminal Damage = 0
Drug Offences = 0

Ashmount Drive - Burglary - 8 October - between 9:15am - 3:30pm
Unknown offender/s approach the front of the property via the drive and walk to side of the premises and climb on to a bin and then on to a balcony. The offenders remove the alarm box casing and tamper with alarm. The offender/s approach the side ground floor window and force it using a screwdriver to gain entry. Once inside the offender/s force an internal door via unknown means and approach the front door and remove the alarm key pad and conduct an untidy search of the whole house stealing jewellery, CCTV hard drive and other items before making off via the entry point, unseen in an unknown direction.

Syke Off-licence - Robbery - 6 October - 9:18pm
Two unknown offender/s enter the store via the front entrance with their faces concealed, one of these carrying a machete. Both offender/s approach the assistant at the till shouting "where is the f***ing money." Offender one walks behind the till with the machette raised. The victim opens the till and gives the offender/s money. The offender also removes other items including a cash box. The second offender places all the stolen property into a yellow and black drawstring bag and both offender/s exit the shop via the front entrance.

Milkstone and Deeplish
Domestic Burglary = 2
Other Burglary = 1
Aggravated Vehicle Taking = 0
Robbery = 0
Vehicle Interference = 0
Theft From A Vehicle = 1
Theft Of Pedal Cycle = 1
Theft Of A Vehicle = 0
Criminal Damage = 2
Drug Offences = 0

Tweedale Street, Freehold - Theft of Motor Vehicle between
2 October and 3 October, 24 hour period
The victim parks a vehicle outside the address and leaves the keys in cousin's property and left for the evening. During this time the offender (the victim's cousin) takes the vehicle without the victim's consent and is involved in a road traffic collission. The victim returns to find the vehicle missing and calls the police.

Mere Lane - Burglary - 9 October between 2pm - 9pm
Four unknown male offenders approach the rear of the house during the hours of darkness. Force entry through the rear door and subject the whole house, including the loft, to search. No items known to be taken at this time. However, the witness states he saw one male with a handful of clothing. All four males left in a white hatchback vehicle making good their escape.

Long Hill - Burglary - 8 October 04:22am
An unknown offender approached the address from the direction of Cheltenham Street and entered the building which is under renovation via climbing scaffolding through aperture. Removes still saw from within and a water tank from within. Exits property with items back along street on foot direction towards Cheltenham Street.

Town Centre
Domestic Burglary = 0
Other Burglary = 0
Aggravated Vehicle Taking = 0
Robbery = 0
Vehicle Interference = 0
Theft From A Vehicle = 1
Theft Of Pedal Cycle = 0
Theft Of A Vehicle = 0
Criminal Damage = 2
Drug Offences = 0

Royal Exchange Shopping Centre - Criminal Damage - 3 October 23:55pm
Unknown male offender (with two other males) is walking along street towards college. Offender goes to an exterior fire door and punches the narrow window damaging the glass. Offender and other males make off.

Railway Street, Bus Shelter - Criminal Damage between 12 September to 15 September - reported 5 October
Unknown offender/s caused damage to 490 return glass and durlux glass with holes.

Crime prevention advice
This past week Rochdale North Neighbourhood areas have been experiencing a sudden increase in burglary dwellings, suffering 18 in total. Also breaks to sheds and garages have suffered a total of 10.

Most thieves are opportunists looking for easy ways to access your home, garages and sheds. Please become more vigilant in your area and consider ways of keeping your house and out buildings as safe as you possibly can.

Keep your home secure 
Over the past few days Rochdale North officers have seen an increase in the number of burglaries where offenders have gained entry into addresses through insecure windows and doors.

Officers are urging you to remember to keep your house secure.

Keep all doors and windows locked even if you are in the house.

Don’t leave your house/vehicle keys near doors or on window sills, offenders may be able to reach in and take them.

Leave any spare keys with a family member or neighbour.

If you only use one type of window lock in your home, keep the key on your main key ring and not near every window.

Make sure your home has an alarm fitted. The sound of an alarm will cause most burglars to grab what they can quickly before making their escape without exploring the rest of the house.

As the darker nights draw in make sure your house is visible in the dark by fitting external lighting.

Fit automatic timer switches to your lights to turn them on if you’re not in at night. Try using them during the day as well especially on dark winter days.

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