Shawclough Community Primary School

Date published: 03 November 2010

Letters out this week: 
Nursery BLAST programme
Parent Governor Vacancy
Family Lunches
Year 6 Parents Evening


  • Year 4 swimming each Wednesday from 15 September to 8 December 2010 inclusive
  • Yellow Class to visit Rochdale CLC 5 November
  • Orange Class to visit Rochdale CLC 11 November
  • Unit 3 to visit Blackpool Sea Life Centre 16 November
  • Sponsored Football money due in school before 5 November
  • Unit 2 Visits to Touchstones 18/19 November
  • Bags to School to be returned on 5 November or the morning of 8 November 
  • Scarlet Class to visit Rochdale CLC 9 November
  • Red Class to visit Rochdale CLC 10 November
  • Family lunch money due into school before 19 November
  • Completed September 2011 reception intake forms due with Rochdale LEA before 15 January 2011
  • Jade & Emerald classes to visit Touchstones 18 November
  • Olive & Green classes to visit Touchstones 19 November

Bags to School
Please return all bags by 8.40am on Monday 8 November 2010.

The winner of the attendance certificate week ending 22 October 2010 was Orange Class with an attendance of 99.3 %. Very well done Orange Class. The overall attendance for the school was 93.8%.

Units 3 & 4 Talking Homework
This week’s Talking Homework topic for Units Three and Four is: ‘What is the best film you have ever seen? Explain why you like it so much.

Book Fair
We are holding a Scholastic Book Fair at our school from Thursday 11 November until Wednesday 17 November 2010. The Book Fair will be open from 3.15pm until 3.45pm each afternoon in the main school entrance. The Book Fair will be open for morning Nursery parents in the corridor outside the Nursery entrance from 11.40am.

Your support would be greatly appreciated since the Book Fair is a practical way of promoting reading and directly benefits our school by providing new books for the school library and classrooms and of course just in time for Christmas! If you are paying by cheque please make these payable to Shawclough Community Primary School.

Safeguarding Reminder
When children are late for school even when it is only 5 minutes they must report to the school office otherwise we will not have a record of their attendance at school. If your child is late we will take a note of their names and ask them to go up to their class. Parents will not be allowed to accompany them as lessons will have already started in school and this is causing disruption in other classes. We would also remind you that as soon as the bell rings for the start of the school day all parents must leave the premises promptly.

No parents should be leaving through the dining room door during the school day, please use the main entrance or community door. Also please do not allow any late children into school as you are leaving the building.

Clothing Order
If you wish to order any items of school clothing please place your orders in the class boxes before Thursday 18 November 2010, an order will be placed after this date. This will be the last order until the New Year. Once the order has been received in school your child will be given a slip to say your clothing order has arrived and can be collected from the school office.

Teachers 2 Parents Messaging System
With effect from Monday 8 November 2010 we will be trialling a new text messaging system between school and parents. This will give us a simple and efficient way of communicating with parents in emergency situations, for example when after school clubs have been cancelled or if we need to notify you of school closures due to extreme weather conditions. It is vital therefore that we have your up to date mobile telephone numbers.

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