St. Edward’s CE Primary School

Date published: 22 September 2010

Text Messaging Service
We are continuing to use our text messaging service. In some cases we will be sending text messages to parents rather than sending letters so it is extremely important that you ensure you keep school up-to-date with any change in mobile phone numbers. Please ensure all new contact forms are returned to school as soon as possible.

Kingswood The children and staff had a great time on the activities weekend at Kingswood. They were all extremely well behaved and a credit to the school.

Monday Night Youth Club
Monday night youth club are holding a Beetle Drive on Monday (27 September) 6-8pm for anyone who is interested. Beetle Drive cards will be £1 each. We will also be selling refreshments and holding a raffle. If anyone has any raffle prizes they can donate, we would be very grateful.

All money raised will go towards the Robinwood fund.

Swimming Team Training Years 5 & 6 swimming team training is on Friday mornings. Children should meet Mrs. Taylor at Castleton Baths at 8.30am unless they usually come to Breakfast club and then Mrs. Seddon will pick those children up at about 8.15am and take them to the baths.

Out-of-School Club
In order to use this service, you must have filled in a registration forms and also inform school whenever your child will be attending.

Can you help
Reception need junk cardboard boxes, yoghurt pots, bottle tops, etc. for making junk models. Thank you.

Rev. Butterworth
We will be having a farewell assembly for Rev. Butterworth in school next Thursday. We would like to wish him all the best in his retirement.

Book Fair
Books will be available to buy from the Book Fair in the hall before and after school from Wednesday 29th September for a week.

Can anybody help
Do we have any parents who are Scientists, Doctors or Engineers who would be willing to help school with their Lego-league challenge which this year is all about Bio-Medical Engineering. Please contact Mrs. Frost in school. Thank you.

Dinner Money
Non-payment of school meals is still a huge debt to school so please ensure meals are paid for either daily or weekly in advance in order for children to continue to receive school meals. Lunches are now £1.75 per day - £8.75 per week.

School Lunches There is a copy of the menus on our school portal. Next week we are on Week 4.

Music Lessons
please ensure your child brings their instruments into school. Clarinet – Monday; Brass – Tuesday and Guitar – Friday.
Lessons are now £2.75 per week –paid either weekly or half-termly.

Castleton Children’s Centre
The free ‘Stay and Play Sessions’ for 0-5yr olds is on here at St. Edward’s School and every Wednesday morning 9am-10.15am. These sessions are really well attended and there are lots of activities for the children to do.

Fundraising for Macmillan and Breast Cancer
On Friday 1st October we will be combining these two campaigns and holding a coffee afternoon from 2-4pm to raise money for these two worthy causes. We will be selling Fair-trade tea, coffee and biscuits.

Children will be asked to bring 50p for wearing something pink for the Tickled Pink Breast Cancer Campaign – they can either wear a spot of pink or all pink.

Friends of St. Edward’s (PTA) our next meeting is on Monday 4th October at 6.30pm in the new staff room (next to the hall). This will also be our Annual General Meeting. We would welcome any new parents, grandparents, etc. Please come along and help us to raise extra money for the benefit of all children.

Reception and KS1
Tonight your child will receive the latest edition of the Puffin Book Club Catalogue. To order, please fill in the form on the back and return it to school by Friday (1 October).

Keep up-dated with what’s happening in and around school by visiting our School Portal at: 

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