Shawclough Community Primary School

Date published: 20 April 2010

Letters out this week: Theme Work – Units 1/2/3/4
Sex Education Meeting – Years 5 & 6
Unit 1 & Nursery – sunhats
Unit 1 & Nursery - snacks
Reminders: Year 4 swimming each Wednesday, from 21 April to 14 July 2010 inclusive
Year 6 High School confirmations due in school
September Reception Parents Meeting 6pm 17 May
September Nursery Parents Meeting 6pm 12 May
Year 6 SAT’s 10-14 May 2010

The winner of the attendance certificate week ending 1 April 2010 was Scarlet Class with an attendance of 97%. Well done Scarlet Class. The overall attendance for the school was 92.5%.

Units 3 & 4 homework Over the weekend please have this family discussion – all classes will be discussing this during the week. “If you could invite three story (from book or TV) or nursery rhyme characters to tea who would it be and why?

Thinking about your uniform for the new school year? School clothing order
If you would like to order any items of school clothing for your child a school order will be placed with the clothing company on the 5th May 2010. Please place any completed order forms with payment into the black box in your child’s class before this date.

With the exception of wristwatches and ear studs children should not wear jewellery to school. Those children wearing ear studs must either remove them or cover them with surgical tape during lessons for physical education and on other occasions when the teacher believes that the wearing of studs may cause health and safety problems for the children.

Sun hats or caps
I need to remind you that it is essential for the children’s well-being that they all have a hat or cap to wear when they are playing outside. All the children have been reminded of the need and many are already bringing their headwear into school. Can I remind you to label the headwear with your child’s name – you know why.

If anyone has any spare sunhats could you please donate these to school. Please see either Mrs Mitchell or Ms Harrison. Thank you.

Dinner money system We now have a computerised recording system for dinner money. We need parents to ensure that children do not change meal patterns within the week as we are unable to facilitate this on the new system. We would also request that you do not change your child’s meal patterns within a half term, for example if you choose to send your child with a packed lunch you must continue to do so for the full half term. Please see Mrs Meek in the school office regarding any issues.

School lunches
Next week we are organising a ‘Eat a Healthy Balanced Lunch Week’. In the dining room we will be encouraging all children to eat a balanced meal and try a few new vegetables. Everyone who has a good try at eating a balanced meal will receive a sticker each day and small prizes will be given at the end of the week.

Healey and Shawclough football match
On Thursday, 29 April at 3.30pm there will be a football match between Shawclough and Healey on Shawclough’s School Field. Everyone is invited to come along and support. During the match School Council will be organising a collection for Sports Relief. Refreshments will be available in the dining room after the match. Good luck to both teams.

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