Young people across the North West encouraged to get lifesaving meningitis vaccination

Date published: 19 November 2022

Mum of Manchester student supports campaign for lifesaving vaccination after her son died from meningitis.

Uptake of the meningitis MenACWY vaccine has been relatively low in the North West with a regional average of 14% of 18-year-olds missing their routine vaccine in secondary school, leaving local teenagers unprotected before arriving at university this academic year.

Figures across the region vary considerably with uptake in some local authorities as low as 72.6% and others at 97% coverage. In the Rochdale borough, 76.9% of 18-year-olds were vaccinated against the disease in year ten of secondary school.

First-year or returning students can be at increased risk of meningitis as they mix with large numbers of other students from around the country and overseas so it’s especially important to remind students to get the MenACWY vaccine if they missed this at school.

Meningococcal disease can cause serious illnesses, including meningitis and septicaemia (blood poisoning), which can be life-threatening and require urgent treatment.

The MenACWY protects against four strains of meningococcal disease, but not all forms, like MenB so it is vital that young people know about the signs and symptoms of this serious disease, and what to do if they are worried about their own or someone else’s health.

Symptoms of meningitis and septicaemia include: a blotchy rash that doesn’t fade when a glass is rolled over it, fever, aching muscles and joints and a stiff neck. You should get medical advice as soon as possible if you're concerned that you or your child could have meningitis.

Some know more than most about the devastating impact this disease can have and the importance of ensuring all young people are vaccinated. At just 19, Teygan had a bright future ahead of him and had everything to live for.


Teygan Sugrue died in 2014 from meningitis


His mum, Ailsa, describes her devastating and unexpected loss:

“Teygan was 19 when he went to Manchester University to study Russian. He was the middle child of three and the first to go to uni, which he was very excited about.

“Teygan soon made friends in his halls. We would have short text messages and phone calls to reassure us he was happy and settling into student life and coping with his course.

“Although there were no general concerns health-wise, he did have a cough which was noticeable when he spoke on the phone. This seemed to persist for a few weeks but never seemed to bother him too much.

“Whenever I brought attention to it, he would say 'well mum, everyone has a cough!’ and I was reassured by friends who had children at uni that it was probably fresher's flu – something that every student seems to get.

“Teygan came home for a few days during October half term and apart from tiredness, he gave no cause for concern. He returned to uni and went out for Halloween then out again on the Saturday night.

“On the Sunday, he went to bed and stayed there for the whole day. A check was made on him by someone in the halls at around 8pm and it was said that he gave the impression he was feeling better, but the conversation was held through his door. He was not seen.

“About an hour later, he got up and managed to open his door but collapsed in the hallway. He was found by a friend and they immediately saw that he had a rash. His friend knew it was one of the signs of meningitis and rang for an ambulance straight away. But he could not be saved.

“Today, as a family, we are united in our grief and shock at what has happened. No one had any real awareness of the risks of meningitis at university, neither family nor friends.

“I realise now that we have to change this perception and make it one of the first things families think of when a student starts preparing for university.”


Teygan Sugrue died in 2014 from meningitis


The symptoms of meningitis can be confused with flu, a hangover, or COVID-19, and students are particularly at risk of missing the early warning signs of meningitis.

A new digital campaign, launched by Meningitis Now, Meningitis Research Foundation, A Life for A Cure, the NHS, UKHSA and GlaxoSmithKline calls for young people to register with a GP, take up the offer of a MenACWY vaccination and familiarise themselves with meningitis symptoms. Parents are reminded to check whether their child is protected by the MenACWY vaccination and to contact their child’s GP if they still require a vaccine.

Dr Caroline Rumble, Consultant in Health Protection at UK Health Security Agency, North West, said: “We encourage all students heading to university or college to ensure they’re up to date with their vaccinations which will help to protect them against life-threatening diseases like meningitis.

“First-year or returning students can be at increased risk of infections including meningitis, as they mix with large numbers of other students from around the country and overseas.

“All students should ask their GP if they’re up to date with their MenACWY (meningitis) vaccinations and be aware of the signs and symptoms of meningitis and septicaemia - don’t assume it’s a hangover or flu. Look out for a blotchy rash that doesn’t fade when a glass is rolled over it, a fever, aching muscles/joints and a stiff neck.

“If you’re unwell, make sure a friend knows and stay in touch regularly with friends who are ill. These diseases can progress rapidly so if you think you or a friend could have meningitis do seek urgent medical help.”

Dr Tom Nutt, chief executive of the charity Meningitis Now, said: “Meningitis is a devastating disease that can strike anyone at any time and leave havoc in its wake. Many young people will know of someone from their community whose life, and that of their family and friends, has been torn apart by its impact.

“With vaccination, the only way to protect yourself against the misery this disease inflicts, we’d urge all those who haven’t yet taken advantage of this free MenACWY vaccination to do so as soon as possible. The good news is that by doing so you will not just be protecting your own health but that of your friends and the wider community too.”

For more information, visit: Meningitis - NHS (

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