How this ‘gem’ of a martial arts centre with a family feel has helped one ‘fearful’ woman councillor feel safe again

Date published: 15 November 2021

The tragic murder of Sarah Everard at the hands of an off-duty police officer sparked a national debate on women’s safety – with the issue again thrust into the headlines after her killer was sentenced to life in prison.

Little more than two weeks later the country was left reeling by another violent attack – the stabbing to death of Conservative MP Sir David Amess at his constituency office.

For women who are also in the public eye it has understandably been a time of heightened anxiety.

Not that this is anything new.

Middleton councillor Donna Williams says she has felt ‘fearful’ for a long time – with recent events only exacerbating her sense of vulnerability.

But a women-only self defence course run by Middleton Martial Arts Academy has restored her confidence and left her feeling safe again.

The 43-year-old says the ‘hidden gem’, in Back Spring Gardens, has had an incredibly empowering effect on her life.

The gym – run by John Barlow and owner Greg Kubiak – has even offered to host her surgeries so she doesn’t have to worry about aggressive or hostile customers.

“The safety element of me holding surgeries has obviously been highlighted by the recent murder and attacks on MPs,” says Donna.

“In my mind I was also thinking, whilst out campaigning I had two dogs set on me, I’ve been spat at, I’ve been approached really aggressively.”

She also recently lodged a complaint with the police after being shouted at and ‘verbally abused’ in the centre of Middleton.

Donna admits that, in the past, she didn’t know how to respond.

“I have just kind of frozen,” she says.

“I am a public figure, even if I go to Tesco shopping or into Middleton Arndale, people still approach me constantly.

“It’s not acceptable, but they don’t understand when I’m out shopping with my child, I’m out shopping with my child.

“Even if it’s not an aggressive situation people can be quite shouty.”

But the techniques she has been shown at the academy have proven to be a revelation.

Donna’s classes were based on Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai kick boxing – but those who sign up are first taught how to avoid physical conflict if at all possible.

Tactics such as shouting for help and putting distance and physical barriers between yourself and the aggressor are the first line of defence.

“Shouting for help, I would never have even thought to do that,” says Donna, who went to her first class the day after seeing it advertised online.

She took her teenage daughter along too – and the pair ‘fell in love’ with the place. Donna now regularly takes part in Boxercise classes on a Monday night.


Greg Kubiak puts Councillor Donna Williams through her paces at Middleton Martial Arts Academy.
Greg Kubiak puts Councillor Donna Williams through her paces at Middleton Martial Arts Academy. Photo: Manchester Evening News/Kenny Brown


“I just thought what an absolutely amazing place. A safe place to come and learn things that actually are really simple – and not violent and not aggressive – but can absolutely defuse a situation,” she enthuses.

The recent spiking epidemic – another disturbing trend targeted at women – also seriously concerns Donna. As does the increase in crime she sees in Middleton, despite ‘exceptional’ neighbourhood policing.

Just last month a man was charged with kidnap and sexual assault after dragging a woman behind a building in Rochdale.

And Donna says that businesses run by women, such as beauty salons, are also being targeted by criminals.

“People often try the door to try and grab and run,” says Donna.

“These are local businesses run by young women who are having to lock their doors and people in because they are fearful of people walking in.”

She adds: “It’s happening all over Middleton. And we have this gym here that’s offering classes to come and do self-defence.”

“It’s about people understanding that you don’t need to fight violence with violence, there is a way for women – and for me – to defend themselves, defuse that situation and get away from it without it escalating.”

But while the emphasis is on avoiding conflict, if at all possible, women are taught how to defend themselves if physical contact becomes unavoidable.

This included ‘grip strips’ and ‘wrist breaks’ from Brazilian Jiu Jitsu – techniques to release the holds of an aggressor – and strikes from Muay Thai kickboxing.

John says that the classes impress on women how ‘elbows and knees’ can be more damaging to an assailant, amongst other invaluable advice.

Techniques Donna has found especially useful include how to fight back ‘if they’ve got you on the floor and still trying to attack you’.

“And I would never have known that just by moving your thumb you can get out of a grip,” she adds.

Gyms can be macho and intimidating places, but Donna believes that John and Greg have created an environment where everyone can feel comfortable.

“You walk into this gym and it’s not like any other gym, where you feel nervous and you don’t know what to do,” she said.

“I’ve grown in confidence coming here and knowing I can still come back here as everyone is so friendly, the team is so good, and everyone is so welcoming.

“I just think we should showcase something amazing we have in Middleton to everybody.”

Donna tragically lost both parents to Covid during the pandemic – as well as catching the virus twice herself – and understandably she found herself in a dark place.

Depressed and unmotivated she cut herself off from those around her and began to put on an unhealthy amount of weight.

The loss of her best friend was another crushing blow. But the pair had planned to visit a gym together, and honouring this pact was the start of Donna becoming active again.

She began exercising at Heywood Sports Village, but says signing up for John’s self defence classes has been ‘amazing’ for her mental health.

“It has definitely given me a level of confidence that I didn’t have before,” she says.

“And it’s obviously inspired me to join and do more classes and to motivate other women and anyone from Middleton to come and take a look at how excellent it is.

“It’s a gem. We have this gem in Middleton – in my ward – that is just amazing and I just want other people to be inspired like I have been inspired.

“I want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to experience what I have experienced. My confidence is through the roof. I feel fantastic and it does feel like it’s the next stage in my health journey after Covid.”

John and Greg are incredibly proud of the gym that they set up at a dilapidated silk mill, less than a mile from Middleton town centre, four years ago.

The old industrial units now boast top class facilities, including specialist Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu areas, a yoga studio, a strength and conditioning zone and high quality changing rooms.

It is understood to have once been earmarked for housing, but proved too expensive to convert.

“We are dead proud of what we have done here,” says John.

“We took it over and have done a lot with it. When we took this place over it was full of pigeons, it was falling to pieces, it was a tip.”

The women-only sessions were John’s brainchild.

“I just had a penny-drop moment,” he says. “I just thought why not offer something for women to be able to do a bit of self defence.

“People are concerned and worried about women’s safety and having been a former doorman, I just know how people react in violent situations – and quite often it’s a freeze scenario.

“I wasn’t trying to turn them into ninjas, but wanted to give them a bit of confidence in dealing with the situation. Even if it just helps give them a bit of peace of mind and they can keep calm in a situation – that was the idea.”

About 100 people now go to the various classes at the gym – including female-led boxercise, and fitness sessions – every night of the week.

And having struck a chord with the local community the academy is now looking to expand its operation.

This could include putting on more sessions during the day – including packages for businesses who may want their staff to learn some basic self-defence techniques.

There are also plans to soon run the women-only self defence course again, but as one two-hour course rather than spread over three weeks.

Donna is also helping them to apply for Rochdale council funding, so they can take part in the borough’s ‘read and feed’ initiative, putting activities on for children during the school holidays.

While both John and Greg have day jobs – as a company director and engineer respectively – they say that martial arts is their true passion.

“It’s all done for the right reasons and not just as a business venture,” says John. “We just wanted to be involved in something, you know.”

And he stresses that – as Donna found – everyone is welcome at the academy.

“However big, small, fit or unfit you are it doesn’t matter,” says John.

“We are rooting for you.”

More information on Middleton Martial Arts Academy can be found here:

Nick Statham, Local Democracy Reporter

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