World War One: Charles Wilson, grandfather of Castleton councillor and former Mayor Jean Hornby

Date published: 03 October 2018

Charles Wilson was born in Bolton in 1881. He spent much of his childhood with relatives in Wales before moving to Manchester to live with an older brother and find work as a groom.  It was here that he met and married Agnes and began working as a platelayer on the railways.

When war broke out, he wanted to volunteer for the army, but wasn't allowed to do so because a railway platelayer was a reserved occupation, so Charles went to his wife's relatives’ home in Preston and enlisted from there in the Lancashire Fusiliers, and was placed with the Loyal North Lancashires.  They were shipped to France in February of 1916.


Charles Wilson pictured with a pocketwatch he received on his 14th birthday. Date unknown
Charles Wilson pictured with a pocketwatch he received on his 14th birthday. Date unknown


1 July of that year saw the start of the Battle of the Somme.  Shortly after that date, the 8th Battalion marched from Crucifix Corner, took their place in the trenches, and so began their part in the battle. 

On 10 July Charles was reported missing along with over 150 of his colleagues.  Whilst some remains have been found, many were never identified and have no known grave.  Charles Wilson was amongst them.  He was 35 years old.

News was sent home to his wife Agnes, aged 34, and their children Richard (11), Gladys (nine), Jean's mum Ellen (seven), and Charles Junior (five).  Charles was only ever posted as 'missing', so Agnes could never be declared a widow.  Nor could she be the head of the household.  Nor could she vote.


Easter 1915 - Charles' family: (L-R) Ellen, Agnes, Richard, Charles, Gladys
Easter 1915 - Charles' family: (L-R) Ellen, Agnes, Richard, Charles, Gladys


Agnes had a family to look after. 

How did she do it? 

She took in an official war widow and baby as a lodger who was able to pay her a small rent. She also took in washing (no electric machine - just the old ‘dolly tub’ with ‘posser’ and ‘wringer’), and her daughters Gladys and Ellen took the clean washing back the following week for the princely sum of one penny.

In addition, Agnes ran two looms - not just one - in the weaving shed.

Charles Wilson's name is one of the 72,000 engraved on the Thiepval 'Monument to the Missing' on the Somme.

Councillor Hornby, who never knew her grandfather, said: "Any war is a terrible thing, killing husbands, fathers, sons and brothers.  It also leaves women and children bereft.  That is why, when I place my poppy cross, it will be in memory of grandad and grandma. God bless them both."


Jean Hornby remembers her Grandfather, Charles Wilson, at the Castleton Memorial Stone
Jean Hornby remembers her grandfather, Charles Wilson, at the Castleton Memorial Stone 


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