Castleton Memorial Dedication Service

Date published: 24 September 2018

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The Castleton Memorial Dedication Service took place on Sunday 23 September, with a welcome from local Councillor Billy Sheerin, Deputy Mayor of Rochdale and music from the Blackley Band.

Deputy Mayor Billy Sheerin at the Castleton Memorial Dedication Service
Deputy Mayor Billy Sheerin at the Castleton Memorial Dedication Service

Councillor Billy Sheerin said: “Deputy Lieutenant, Members of the Clergy, Chair of Rochdale Township, Imam Hasnat, Fellow Elected members from across the borough, The Chair and committee members of Rochdale Township in Bloom. Residents of the Village of Castleton, children of the village of Castleton, and all here present.

Castleton Memorial Dedication Service

May I thank you all for your attendance at the dedication ceremony of the Castleton memorial stone.

At the end of the war, War Memorials sprung up in cities, towns, villages, and church yards, many paid for by public subscription. Sadly this did not happen in Castleton because we had no recognised village centre. The land we are standing on now was the back gardens of a row of terraced houses which were pulled down in the house clearances of the 1950s. The car park opposite the Co-op was the front parlours of these houses.  The street name was Henry Street I know this because my father Joseph was born in number 4 which was just a few metres from where I am standing.

The creation of this village green brought a bit of green open space into a very industrial village and the tall established trees enhanced this.

Earlier this year the whole of England was hit by a raging storm rightly named the Beast from the East. This village green suffered badly with the loss of a massive tree close to its centre, luckily no one was hurt. The fallen tree was cut up leaving an unsightly stump. This would still be the case if it had not been for a special project instigated by Mr Roy Down the current Chairman of the Rochdale Township in bloom committee, during a conversation with myself with the idea of removing it and replacing it with a War Memorial. The project was to my delight accepted by the committee and work began.

"Today’s ceremony is a special day for people across the local community. The stone provides a lasting memorial dedicated to the villagers of Castleton. It commemorates the brave men and women who lost their lives in major conflicts over the last 100 years.

Deputy Mayor Billy Sheerin at the Castleton Memorial Dedication Service

These include:

  • The Great War 1914-18
  • The Second World War 1939-45
  • The Korean Conflict 1950-53
  • The Falklands War 1982
  • First Gulf War – 1991
  • Iraq 2003-2009
  • Afghanistan 2001-2014

“There were also many other smaller conflicts, which should not be forgotten.

“The memorial stone encompasses all those who died whilst serving their country. We owe so much to the members of the armed forces who fought for the freedoms and liberty we enjoy today. We will never forget.”

Sister Frances Clare Guite, Castleton Memorial Dedication Service
Sister Frances Clare Guite

Sister Frances Clare Guite led the dedication, with payers from Imam Hasnat and Sister Frances. The Hymn, Abide with Me, was sung.

The Exhortation was read:

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old, Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, We will remember Them."

Castleton Memorial Dedication Service

Last Post was sounded followed by One Minute Silence, the Reveille and the The Kohima Epitaph:

'When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say, For Your Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today.'

Councillors, dignitaries and residents then laid of Wreaths and the National Anthem was sung.

Councillor Janet Emsley, Lead Member Armed Forces, said: “Our grateful thanks for the generous support of local companies and individuals who have helped bring Castleton’s Memorial Stone into being, in this centenary year of the end of the Great War.”

Castleton Memorial Dedication Service


Castleton Memorial Dedication Service.
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