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59499 Article(s) Found
Three people have been taken to hospital after a fire broke out in Littleborough on Monday morning (15 February).
Date Published 15/02/2021
Seventy-seven people were successfully vaccinated at a pop-up clinic at Castlemere Community Centre on Thursday (11 February).
Four local schools have been chosen by government to have new sites built as part of the first tranche of its new 10-year school rebuilding programme.
Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust has launched a new five year plan to help people with learning disabilities, their families and carers in Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale get the...
Date Published 14/02/2021
‘Once Upon A Time There Was A Man’ is the second novel by author Peter Scholes - and it features none other than local landmarks in Rochdale.
A local group of motorbike riders are aiming to raise £100,000 by riding from Rochdale to Pakistan in June.
Electricity North West is planning to reinforce the network in Heywood to pave the way for more electric vehicle charging points at the Birch motorway services.
Councillor Janet Emsley has been awarded the ‘Best Arts Champion – Councillor’ by Hearts for the Arts for her committed and energetic support of the arts in Rochdale. The...
The general public are making a huge difference in their efforts to control the spread of the virus in Greater Manchester, according to the Chief Executive of one of the biggest...
Date Published 13/02/2021
Safe spaces for vulnerable people have been launched by social care provider Future Directions. The Rochdale Safe Place Scheme is a voluntary system that allows vulnerable people...
The first spade is in the ground for RBH’s latest new social housing development in Kirkholt, with Lovell Partnerships now on site at the Strand as work starts on 32 new family...
Mike Goldrick Blinds & Curtains has donated £140 to the Heywood Veterans Association.
A courier for an organised crime group has been jailed for four years after he was arrested at Birch Services last year for carrying two kilos of heroin, hidden in his car.
Date Published 12/02/2021
More than 38,000 people in the Rochdale borough have now received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine.
A stolen car failed to stop after mounting the pavement and driving over a pedestrian’s foot in Rochdale on Thursday morning (11 February).
The largest representative body of independent adult social care providers, Care England has written to all Directors of Adult Social Services regarding fee rates for care...
The deadline is fast approaching to have your say on Rochdale Borough Council’s latest round of savings proposals.
Whilst the Covid-19 pandemic has had a national impact with apprenticeship starts down across the whole country, the picture is much brighter in Rochdale as 14 new apprentices...
Worshippers at the Jalalia Jaame Mosque in Rochdale have created a touching poem, thanking NHS staff for their hard work during the pandemic.
Healthwatch Rochdale is currently recruiting for a new voluntary chair to join its existing board members in the development and management of the strategic running of the...
Construction work is due to start in March 2021 on a new £68million hospital at Salford Royal.
The North West Air Ambulance Charity (NWAA) has launched an emergency appeal to keep its lifesaving service funded, following 11 months of significant disruption as a result of...
Councillors are split over the future of a ‘deteriorating’ car park whose poor condition could leave the authority open to hefty legal claims.
Date Published 11/02/2021
The Littleborough Events and Associations Forum (LEAF) has officially cancelled two of its biggest events in the Littleborough calendar this year.
Information on current and forthcoming roadworks planned to take place across the borough.
A scheme that will bring hundreds of electric scooters to the streets of Rochdale has been given the green light. An operator for the 12-month trial will now be sought via a...
Areas of Norden are currently experiencing low water pressure or no water (Thursday 11 February).
Tough new enforcement measures – from fixed penalty notices to imprisonment – will come into force on Monday 15 February.
Andy Burnham’s plan to freeze his mayoral tax on Greater Manchester residents from April is expected to be backed by regional leaders this week.
Health and social care workers in the Rochdale borough are now being encouraged to get in touch if they have not had their first Covid-19 vaccination invite.
Date Published 10/02/2021