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59656 Article(s) Found
Greater Manchester Police are stepping up their fight against armed raiders who target bank and cash-in-transit robberies in the run up to Christmas. Operation Vanguard will...
Date Published 19/10/2009
Pupils in Rochdale running the extra mile and staying ahead of their national counterparts. More than three in five, five to 16-year-olds at schools across the borough are...
Oldham’s award-winning Operation Messenger team, set up to tackle sexual exploitation of young girls, is being replicated in Rochdale. The team was established in 2007 as a...
A leading North West health chief has dismissed claims that swine flu vaccine Pandremix is dangerous to pregnant women. Dr Ruth Hussey, North West Director for Public Health,...
Union reps have slammed fears of violence at the picket lines during the postal strike on Thursday and Friday. Police were warned to prepare for disorder during the national...
Rochdale's postal service will grind to a halt next week as 250 union members join the national strike. The Communication Workers’ Union failed to reach an agreement with...
Last week started in an energetic way for Mrs Clayton and Mr Dysch’s classes when they visited Waddow Hall at Clitheroe on a team building mission. Everyone took part in the...
Official data released this week by the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) shows that Rochdale's schools remain behind the national average at GCSE level - but...
Rochdale Council honoured 82 staff from Adult and Children’s Social Care last week for gaining excellent qualifications in care. Steve Garner, Head of Children’s Social Care,...
Today sees the launch of 'Lets face it...' posters on billboards across Rochdale. Using dramatic images of young people injured by fireworks they are designed as a shocking...
The morning service at 10.30am on Sunday (25 October) will be led by our Church Stewards. The speaker at the Ladies Fellowship meeting at 2.30pm on Wednesday 28 October will be...
I returned to Parliament from Stockholm after attending a European Conference as part of the Swedish Presidency where 31 countries were represented. I was able to make a...
The Milnrow band Annual Dinner Dance was held on Saturday (17 October) at Milnrow Cricket Club. This year's event had a James Bond theme, with each table being identified by...
Members of Rochdale’s Best Bar None Scheme are adamant that the safety of drinkers is more important than ringing tills, and will be supporting Alcohol Awareness Week to make sure...
Tuesday 27 October: 7.30pm Evening Prayer. Thursday 29 October: 9.30am Said Holy Communion. Sunday 1 November: 10.30am at this Sung Holy Communion service we celebrate “All...
Extra carriages on train services on the Rochdale and Huddersfield lines started running today (Monday 19 October). Greater Manchester Integrated Transport Authority (GMITA)...
Children from Kentmere primary school have taken a step to a healthy lifestyle while raising more than £200 for charity. Pupil's took part in children’s charity MedEquip4Kids’...
This Saturday (24 October) is the Harvest Coffee Morning between 10 and 12.00am; bring and buy, facepainting, craft demo and book stall. Sunday Morning 10.45 Sunday Night House...
The Springhill Hospice 20th Anniversary celebrations climaxed in style at Rochdale Town Hall with a champagne reception, five-course dinner, dancing to Cole Page and his band and...
Date Published 18/10/2009
The anniversary of the Ukrainian Women’s Organisation and the Ukrainian Women’s choir was celebrated with an afternoon of music, memories and a visit from the Mayor. This year...
Date Published 17/10/2009
Families from Surestart children’s centres from across the borough joined together at Ashworth Valley Scout Campsite to enjoy the great outdoors. Nineteen centres from Rochdale,...
Sunday 18 October - Harvest Festival 10.45am. Family service Rev Margaret Smith. The Harvest Appeal is for Childer Trust. Sunday night Live at 6.00pm, preacher Mrs Jean...
Date Published 16/10/2009
Trinity Methodist Chapel is the venue for Kath's Mini Market. It will be held on Saturday 24 October from 10.30 until 12 noon in our Church Hall. On sale will be many bargains...
Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Service has issued a safety warning in the build up to the religious festival of Diwali. A major feature of the festival celebrations involves...
Sport England, the non-departmental public body under the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, which is in charge of sport at grassroots level, has officially objected to the...
In his recent report to the Council, Rochdale Borough Council Leader Councillor Alan Taylor commented on a report by the Audit Commission, ‘When it comes to the crunch’ that...
Date Published 15/10/2009
Councillor Terry Linden has raised concerns regarding a shortage of reception class places across the borough in 2011. Councillor Linden says: "Many will remember my objection to...
Paul Rowen, MP for Rochdale, has questioned the Minister for Health regarding the ‘Making it Better’ reform of maternity services in Rochdale and Greater Manchester. Paul...
Latest figures released by the Office of National Statistics show that the number of people claiming Job Seeker Allowance (JSA) in Rochdale continues to rise. In the Rochdale...
Parliament returned this week and predictably the Expenses row returned with MPs each receiving a letter from Sir Thomas Legg QC. He had been asked by the three party leaders to...