Shawclough Community Primary School

Date published: 14 October 2014

Year 5 dance performance at Falinge 24 October
Miss Pollard’s English group are going to be learning a Battlefield Boy, WWI themed dance with 12 Degrees North dancers. They will perform their dance at Falinge Park High School on Friday, 24 October at 6.00 p.m. A limited number of tickets are available from Miss Pollard - £3.00 each.

Nursery children
This year the Family and Childcare Trust is promoting Family Friendly Week (20/27 October 2014). To celebrate we are inviting Nursery families to join us on Thursday, 23 October to spend some time having fun with their children. The theme is ‘Cook together, share together, laugh together’ and we would like as many families to come as possible. Please check with the Nursery staff for times!

Nursery places for January 2015
If your child was born between 1st September 2011 and 31st December 2011 we are inviting applications for children to start in our school nursery in January 2015. If you would like to apply for a January place please see the staff in the School Office for an application form.

Does your child have additional needs?
From time to time all of us have the need for extra support. In school we usually know when this is the case for academic work because we are continually assessing the children. We also are aware when children have special educational needs. However, I am aware there may be other things that happen to the children which may need extra care but about which we are not aware. Please contact school if there are times when you think your child needs something extra we will do our very best to organise the support needed.

Safeguarding reminder
If children arrive late for school, even when it is only 5 minutes, they must report to the school office otherwise we will not have a record of their attendance at school. If your child is late we will take a note of their name and ask them to go up to their class. Parents will not be allowed to accompany them as lessons will have already started in school and this causes disruption in other classes. We would also remind you that as soon as the bell rings for the start of the school day all parents must leave the premises promptly. No parents should be leaving through the dining room door during the school day, please use the main entrance or community door. Also please do not allow any late children into school as you are leaving the building. Thank you for your support.

Just a reminder that school closes at 3.15 p.m. on Friday, 24 October and re-opens on Monday, 3 November 2014.

Letters out this week:
School Photographs
Contact Information – not by email
Year 6 Robinwood Activity Holiday

Peach & Orange Year 4 children swimming each Wednesday from 10 September to 10 December 2014 inclusive
Reception & Year 1 Snack money due in school
Nursery Snack money due in school
Reception waterproof clothing contribution due in school
Year 5 Robinwood Activity Holiday – next stage payment due 7 November
Year 6 SAT’s 11-14 May 2014
Year 6 Crucial Crew visit 23 October
Applications for Reception places for September 2015 are due with the Local Authority before 15/1/15
Autumn Disco 23 October for children in Years 2-6 inclusive £2.00 3.15-4.45pm
Unit 3 trip to Blackpool Sea Life Centre – contributions due in school before 7 November
Parents Evenings:
Reception – 21 October
Year 1 – 22 October
Year 2,3, 4 & 5 – 20 October
Year 6 – 22 October

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