St Edward's CE Primary School

Date published: 14 September 2011

Kidz Art:
This week we have an artist coming in school working with all the children on the mural in the playground.

Swimming Training:
Year 5/6 swimming training – Friday mornings at Castleton Baths.

Year 6 Youth Club:
This got off to a flying start on Monday. Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Burtenshaw were really pleased with the behaviour of all the children. This club is on every Monday 6.30-8.30pm. Cost £2.50.

Some of our Year 4 children are going on an activities weekend to Kingswood in Worcester this weekend with 3 members of staff and one of our Governors.
Activities include archery, rafting, climbing, camp fire and toasted marshmellows. They are leaving school on Friday after lunch at 12.30pm and need picking up from school on Sunday at 2.30pm prompt.

Contact Forms:
There are still a few children who have not returned their new contact forms. Please send these into school as soon as possible. We need these forms so we can contact parents in case of an emergency.

Text Messaging Service:
We are continuing to use our text messaging service and in some cases, instead of sending letters out. Therefore it is extremely important that you ensure you keep school up-to-date with any change in mobile phone numbers.

Some parents have shown an interest in sponsoring the donkeys – could you please contact school so we can arrange a meeting.

Story Sacks:
Thank you to those parents who have offered to help Mrs. McGovern put the Story Sacks together – could you please come to school in the parent/community room at 2.45pm next Tuesday, 20 September.

Pass-It-On Club:
As our school ethos is sustainability and children outgrow their clothes at an alarming rate, we are thinking of starting a Pass-It-On Club.
We are asking for donations of good quality school uniform items that your child has outgrown. We will then organise an afternoon session where parents can obtain these items for a small donation. If you can start collecting your unwanted items now and watch out on the newsletter for the dates of the drop-off and Club sessions (this is because storage is extremely limited at school).
The money that we raise will be used to provide more outdoor seating for the children.

Crucial Crew:
Year 6 are going to Crucial Crew next Wednesday.

Dinner Money
Lunches are now £1.80 per day - £9.00 per week and should be paid on a Monday morning. Please send dinner money in an envelope with your child’s name and class on.
There is a copy of the menus on our school portal. Next week we are on Week 3.

Castleton Children’s Centre:
The free ‘Stay and Play Sessions’ are here at St. Edward’s on Wednesday mornings 9.15am-10.30am.

Macmillan Coffee Afternoon:
On Friday 30 September we are holding a coffee afternoon at 1.45pm-3.15pm in aid of Macmillan cancer. This is also a chance for parents, grandparents and members of the local community to have a look around the school grounds and meet our new animals.

Music Lessons:
Please ensure your children bring their musical instruments in each week.
Fees for this half term are now due. Lessons are now £2.85 per week. Any outstanding music fees in order for lessons to continue.
Monday – Clarinet
Tuesday – Brass
Friday - Guitar

Staff Changes:
Mrs. Mahoney would now like to be known as Ms. Yates and we have a new teaching assistant in Reception, Mrs. Law.

School Portal:
Keep up-dated with what’s happening in and around school by visiting our School Portal at:

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