St Edward's CE Primary School

Date published: 15 June 2011

Bike it – Thursdays:
Don’t forget Bike-It on Thursdays. Anyone coming to school on their bike will be given a free raffle ticket to go in the draw for a new bike at the end of the year. Those children who come on their bikes on a Thursday can have a free breakfast as long as they are in no later than 8.30am.
If they come on their bike any other day they will be given a raffle ticket (from the office). Please note, free breakfasts will only be given on a Thursday.

Text Messaging Service:
We are continuing to use our text messaging service and in some cases, instead of sending letters out. Therefore it is extremely important that you ensure you keep school up-to-date with any change in mobile phone numbers.

Dinner Time:
Next Wednesday’s lunch theme is ‘Indian’. There will be a choice of chicken curry & rice, Samosas, chips and garlic bread.
We are also starting Picnic Fridays this week so there will be no hot dinners on this day.
There is a slip on the back of this newsletter for both days – please fill this in if your child does not normally stay for dinner and would like to on Wednesday or Friday. Please note if your child normally stays for dinner, they do not need to do anything.

School Lunches:
There is a copy of the menus on our school portal. Next week we will be on Week 1.

Dinner Money:
Please send dinner money in an envelope with your child’s name and class on. Lunches are now £1.75 per day - £8.75 per week and should be paid on a Monday morning.

Music Lessons:
Music fees for this half term are now due. Lessons are now £2.85 per week. Please pay any outstanding music fees in order for lessons to continue.

New Intake:
There is a meeting on Wednesday 29 June at 6pm for the parents of children starting in September. The open morning is on Thursday 7 July and not Tuesday 7 as previously stated.

Summer Fair:
Our Summer Fair is on Friday 1 July at 3.15pm. We are now collecting donations for ‘Good as New’, toys, etc. If anyone has any raffle prizes they could donate, we would be very grateful.

We will be having a non-uniform day on Friday 24 June. Please can children bring in either a bottle or chocolate for our fair. Thank you.

This year’s Year 5 children will be receiving a letter explaining this trip which will take place on 1st – 3rd June next year.

Swimming Gala:
Good luck to our swimming team who are taking part in the final of the inter-league gala on Monday 20th June at Middleton Arena.

Castleton Children’s Centre:
The free ‘Stay and Play Sessions’ are here at St. Edward’s on Wednesday mornings 9.30am-10.30am.

School Portal:
Keep up-dated with what’s happening in and around school by visiting our School Portal at:

Extra School Activities
Breakfast Club Daily 8-8.45am
Out-of-School Club Daily 3.20- 5.45pm

Clarinet Lessons – Lunchtime
Yrs 4/5 Dance Club 3.20-4.15pm

Brass Lessons – 11.45
Yr 5 Basket Ball 2.15-3pm

Whole School Cookery Club 3.20-4.30pm
Yr 4 Eco-Club 3.20-4.20pm
Years 5/6 Cricket Club 3.30-4.15pm

KS2 Choir 3.20-4.15pm

Yrs 5/6 Swimming Training 8.30- 9am
Guitar Lessons – 11am
Yr 4 Swimming Lessons 1-2pm

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