Shawclough Community Primary School

Date published: 04 May 2011

Letters out this week:
Theme work for Units 1/2/3/4
Year 5 & 6 Sex Education Meeting
Unit 3 Rochdale & Neighbourhood Visits
Nursery transfers to Reception
Nursery & Unit 1 Snacks

Year 4 swimming each Wednesday from 4 May to 13 July 2011 inclusive
Please send in Unit 1 & Nursery snack money
Nursery closed 6 June – new parents visits
Nursery children joining our reception invited to Unit 1 on the 6 June
Year 6 SAT’s 9-13 May 2011
Robinwood Activity Holiday 13-15 May 2011
September Reception Parents Meeting 6pm 11 May
September Nursery Parents Meeting 4.30pm 26 May
Orange Class to visit Rochdale CLC 12 May
Please continue sending in your Tesco vouchers

The winner of the attendance certificate for week ending 15 April 2011 was Red Class, with an attendance of 99.1 per cent. Well done Red Class. The overall attendance for the school was 93.7 per cent.

Sunhats or caps
As the weather is getting warmer and the sun stronger it is very important that the children wear a sunhat/cap when they are playing out at school. Please send your child with a named hat/cap that they can keep at school. It is advisable that children do not wear open-toed sandals because of risk of injury whilst playing. Also please apply suncream to your child on sunny days before you bring them to school. Children must also wear clothes that cover their shoulders.

If anyone has any spare sunhats/caps could you please donate these to school – please see either myself or Ms Harrison. Thank you.

School clothing order
If you would like to order any items of school clothing for your child a school order will be placed with the clothing company on the 16 May 2011. Please place any completed order forms with payment into the black box in your child’s class before this date. 

With the exception of wristwatches and ear studs children should not wear jewellery to school. Those children wearing ear studs must either remove them or cover them with surgical tape during lessons for physical education and on other occasions when the teacher believes that the wearing of studs may cause health and safety problems for the children.

Dinner Money
If you wish to pay dinner money for the first half of the summer term (3-27 May 2011) this amounts to £33.25.
If you wish to pay dinner money for the second half of the summer term (6 June – 19 July 2011) this amounts to £56.00.

Healthy Schools Meeting – 12 MAY 2.30 PM
Come along to our next Healthy Schools meeting to find out about our Healthy Schools work. All most welcome.

Coffee morning in the community area
Tuesday morning 8.30-10.00am. Come join other parents in school to have a chat and share your experiences. All most welcome. This group is organised by Bev Sharp – see her for more information.

Unclaimed raffle prizes
We have several raffle prizes still unclaimed from our Spring Fair. Unless these are claimed we will be giving each child in school a new raffle ticket (free of charge) and holding a new raffle for the children on Friday 13 May in school.

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Let us know by emailing
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