St Edward's CE Primary School

Date published: 02 March 2011

Fair-trade fortnight 
On Wednesdays, Thursday and Friday after school this week and next, some of the children are running a café in the dining room where we will be selling Fair-trade refreshments. There will be competitions and activities in school during this time.
We are holding a competition until next Friday for the most collected Fair-Trade wrappers and containers.

Recorder and Choir 
There will be no Recorder or Choir this week and next week.

Ambassador AwardTomorrow we have 4 assessors in school. We are the first school in the country to be assessed for this award which follows on from our Green Flag status.

Reception, Years 1 & 2 
Your child will have received a copy of the latest Puffin Book Club catalogue. Any orders need to be in school by Friday 11 March. Thank you.

Drama Some of our year 6 children have been attending drama sessions at Gracie Fields Theatre at Oulder Hill School. They will be putting on a performance on 9 March at 4.30-5.30pm. We would like as much support as possible so if you are interested in coming to watch the performance, please contact Mrs. Taylor for your free ticket. This has been a fantastic opportunity for the children.

Dinner Money Please send dinner money in an envelope with your child’s name and class on. Lunches are now £1.75 per day - £8.75 per week and should be paid on a Monday morning.

School Lunches There is a copy of the menus on our school portal. Next week we are on Week 2.

The Big Pedal St. Edward’s CE are taking part in this year’s Big Pedal between 7– 25 March. This is a 15-stage virtual bike race along Sustrans’ National Cycle Network. We are competing against hundreds of schools around the UK and we need you to help us finish each stage as fast as possible by cycling to school during the race. We would like as many children and parents as possible to cycle to school during this period.

Music Lessons Music fees for this half term are now due - £16.50 (£2.75 per week). Please pay any outstanding music fees in order for lessons to continue.

The Music Service have informed us that any lessons cancelled through staff illness will be made up before the end of the Easter term and therefore will need to be paid for.

Friday 18 March is Red Nose Day. We will have a limited number of red noses for sale in school from 14 March for £1. The School Council will be giving more information next week about events they are running to help raise funds.

Castleton Children’s Centre The free ‘Stay and Play Sessions’ are here at St. Edward’s on Wednesday mornings 9.00am-10.15am.

Sainsbury & Tesco Vouchers We are now collecting Sainsbury Active Kids and Tesco vouchers.

School Portal 
Keep up-dated with what’s happening in and around school by visiting our School Portal at:

Extra School Activities 
Breakfast Club Daily 8-8.45am
no admittance after 8.30am
Out-of-School Club Daily 3.20- 5.45pm

6G Lacrosse 11.15-12.15
Clarinet Lessons – Lunchtime
Yrs 4/5 Dance Club 3.20-4.15pm 

6C Lacrosse 11.15-12.15
Brass Lessons – 11.45
Yr 5 Basket Ball 2.15-3pm 

Whole School Cookery Club 3.20-4.30pm
Yrs 1/2 French Club 3.20-4.15pm
Yr 4 and previous Yrs 5/6 Recorder 3.20- 4.15pm
Yr 6 Drama 4-6pm 

KS2 Choir 3.20-4.15pm
Film Club 3.30-4.30pm 

Yrs 5/6 Swimming Training 8.30- 9am
Guitar Lessons – 9am
Yr 4 Swimming Lessons 1-2pm

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