St Edward's CE Primary School

Date published: 05 March 2010

KS2 Lunchtime Fitness Club
Mrs. Riaz is starting a fitness club for KS2 on Friday lunchtimes in the hall 12.45–1.15pm. If anyone is interested, please see Mrs. Riaz.

Stars of the Week
Well done to this week’s Stars of the Week
Alfie Drinkwater RJ; Liam Whitworth RP; Joseph Haughton 1B; Tom Howarth 2G; Jada Dolan 2B; Jisung Shin 3L; Jamal Ahmed 3L; Lucy-Lou Bradley 3D; Bradley Drinkwater 3D; Sophie Licata 4S; Lucas Culshaw 4S; Matthew Holt 4P; Jessica Walker 5S; Aidan Street 5S; Laura Wynn 6C.
Class Awards for 6C and 6G.

Job Vacancy
Mrs. Foley, one of our school cleaners, is retiring at Easter after many years service at St. Edwards. We all wish her well in her retirement.
We therefore have a vacancy for 15hours a week – 1hour in the morning, either 7-8am or 8-9am and 2hours after school 4-6pm. If you are interested, please contact the school office.

Governors Meeting
The next Governor’s meeting is on Monday 8th March at 6.45pm.

Year 6 cycling
Next week Year 6 children will be learning cycling skills.

Music Festival
On Wednesday our guitar group are taking part in a Music Festival at the Riverside, Whitworth.

Years 2 and 3 Youth Club
This Youth Club is on every Thursday 6 – 7pm. The cost is £1 which includes a drink and a biscuit.

Maternity Leave
Best wishes to Mrs. Farrall who finishes on Friday to start her maternity leave – we look forward to seeing her soon with her new baby.
Mr. Sutcliffe will be taking over during her absence.

Swimming Team Training for Years 5 and 6 is on Friday mornings at 8.30am.
Year 4 swimming is on a Friday afternoon – please ensure children bring their swimwear to school.

Phone Recycling
Please keep bringing your phones in for recycling – we only need 5 more to send off this batch.

Live Life 2010
On Wednesday 10th March there is a free event at The Phoenix Centre, Heywood promoting healthy living. The event is running from 11am to 8pm. There will be lots of activities including cycle smoothies, teddy bear’s picnic, rowing machines, health checks, fun and games. Special guest is Ricky Tomlinson.

Music Lessons
Fees for this half term are £13.50 as there will be no lesson the last week of term. Please also pay any outstanding fees as soon as possible. These fees need to be paid in order for children to continue with their lessons. Thank you.

Contact Forms
Please make sure you have filled a contact form in and also that you let school know of any changes in address or phone numbers. This is really important as we need this up-to-date information in case we need to contact you in an emergency. Thank you.

Following on from Safer Internet Day, Unit 2 will be performing a brief production for parents on this subject.
Monday 15th March – Year 5
Tuesday 16th March – Years 3 & 4
Wed 17th March – Years 3 & 4
Thursday 18th March – Year 6

Dinner Money
Please send dinner money in on a Monday morning in an envelope with your child’s name and class on. Lunches are £1.70 per day - £8.50 per week. Thank you.
Next week is Week 3.

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