Mayor’s Column: Councillor Aasim Rashid

Date published: 24 October 2021

Councillor Aasim Rashid was sworn in as the Mayor of Rochdale on Wednesday 19 May 2021.

This column is about the places he has been and the people he has met from Monday 11 October to Sunday 17 October.

I led two British Citizenship presentations at Number One Riverside to start the week’s engagements on Wednesday 13 October. This a ceremony traditionally held at Rochdale Town Hall but will be temporarily hosted in the council building whilst the town hall undergoes renovations.

The ceremony officially welcomes new residents to the borough of Rochdale and sees them recognised as British citizens. Under the Immigration and Asylum Act of 2002 all new citizens must attend the ceremony and take an oath to the Queen and pledge to be loyal to the UK. I hope the attendees enjoy their new lives here in Rochdale and receive a warm welcome from all in the borough.

Former Wardle and West Littleborough councillor Robert Clegg OBE’s funeral took place at St James Church, Thornham, also on Wednesday (13 October). Mr Clegg was a well-respected retired member of the council and long-time supporter of Springhill Hospice who received an OBE in 2015 and was made an Honorary Alderman in 2019 for his significant contribution to local charities and the education sector.

Tributes were paid to Robert at the last full council meeting and the flag outside Number One Riverside was flown at half-mast in respect. My deepest sympathies go to his close family, friends, and all those that knew him following his passing.



Like my trip to Castleton Primary School last week, I visited All Souls Primary School in Heywood to talk to pupils about the role of the Mayor of Rochdale and gave them a speech and presentation on democracy later Wednesday (13 October).

This is a great initiative that the mayor is invited to do annually, organised by the election staff at Rochdale Borough Council, to promote our democracy locally and nationally. I think it is important that children have an idea of how members are elected and to learn about politics in general, so thank you to the elections team for organising and for helping to promote democracy in our borough.

After a very busy day, my final engagement for Wednesday was a full council meeting at Number One Riverside. You can read more about the full council meeting, including what was discussed and conclusions, on the links below.




Beech House School held their annual speech and awards night at Champness Hall also on Wednesday (13 October) which, unfortunately, I could not attend due to being at the council meeting. Thank you to the deputy mayor Councillor Ali Ahmed for stepping in my place and presenting a variety of awards from right across the spectrum, from children doing well in subjects to completing outside curricular activities. I encourage the pupils to keep up the good work.

The deputy also attended a Macmillan Coffee Morning the following day (Friday 15 October) at Green Lane. Well done to the council facilities management team who organised the coffee morning in aid of a good cause.

I thanked and handed out awards to all the staff at Rochdale Health Alliance, in partnership with HMR CCG and Rochdale Borough Council, at a Covid-19 vaccine party on Friday 15 October. Held in the evening at Spotland Stadium, the event was to show appreciation to all the vaccinators and support staff - especially the volunteers - who have helped keep residents moving through the system over the past few months to receive a Covid-19 vaccine. A special thanks went to Adam Clegg, Mark Widdup and the security staff at Number One Riverside who ensured the venue was made and remained suitable to deliver a successful vaccination programme.

The vaccination programme across the borough is now being delivered by GP surgeries, although some pods are still ready at Number One Riverside as a contingency for emergencies where GP surgeries may struggle with vaccinations.

Everyone now over 50 and those under 50 with a chronic illness, who had their second Covid-19 vaccination at least 182 days ago, should be invited for their booster jab by their GP surgery. I encourage all to please respond when invited by their GP to have their booster vaccine or your Influenza (Flu) jab, which is another vital programme also being rolled out ahead of the winter months.


Mayor Rashid thanked all the staff at Rochdale Health Alliance, in partnership with HMR CCG and Rochdale Borough Council, on Friday 15 October for their efficiency in the Covid-19 vaccine rollout
Mayor Rashid thanked all the staff at Rochdale Health Alliance, in partnership with HMR CCG and Rochdale Borough Council, for their efficiency in the Covid-19 vaccine rollout


On Saturday (16 October), I celebrated fostering in Rochdale via a virtual meeting organised by Katie Gee from Rochdale Borough Council. With Care 4 Children - the fostering team at Rochdale Council -the online event celebrated all the achievements of our cared for children, care leavers and fostering families here in Rochdale.

The event is hosted every year (usually in person at Oulder Hill School) and is exclusively for children who are in the care of the council and living with fostering families. Each child receives a certificate, having been nominated by those closest to them for achieving something special in the past year in categories such as Being an Outstanding Role Model and Caring for Others, Outstanding Engagement or Progress in Education and Outstanding Determination, Resilience and Positive Attitude.

We have so many families who foster in Rochdale and they absolutely amaze me. They are all positive, pleasant, and loving people and I hope the council and volunteers can see the event return to normal next year; even bigger and better.

A paratroopers dinner in the Rhyddings Suite of The Royal Toby organised by Rochdale’s Parachute Regimental Association was my final engagement of the week (evening of Saturday 16 October). The event welcomed the official launch of the Royal British Legion's Poppy Appeal.

The Parachute Regimental Association charity was originally formed as an Old Comrades Association at the end of World War Two, to organise functions and activities for members to continue associations formed during their service with the Regiment and Airborne Forces.

The Rochdale branch, one of 89 association branches nationwide, predominantly helps paratroopers and their families, but help any and all veterans from any of the forces with issues such as homelessness, benefits, disability adaptions and also help those with unseen illnesses.

Sir David Trippier RD DL and Terry Bowdell, Rochdale branch secretary, presented the Mayor’s Charity with a cheque consisting of money raised by the paratroopers specifically for my chosen charities, which I am sincerely thankful for. Thank you also to the branch for inviting me.


Mayor Rashid attended a Paratroopers dinner on Saturday 16 October. Pictured with Paratroopers branch secretary, Terry Bowdell (left) and Sir David Trippier RD DL who presented cheques to the Mayor's Charity
Rochdale paratroopers branch secretary, Terry Bowdell (left) and Sir David Trippier RD DL presented cheques to the Mayor's Charity at a Royal Toby dinner on 16 october


I would like to take this opportunity to invite everyone to the upcoming MP’s Dinner on Saturday 6 November, organised by Rochdale MP Sir Tony Lloyd, which will be held at the Mercure Norton Grange Hotel and Spa, Castleton.

The dinner has a non-political theme, will include three courses, and is open to the public. Tickets are priced at £30 per person with all proceeds going to my local chosen charities this year - Springhill Hospice, Parkinson’s UK, Petrus Rochdale, Jolly Josh, and Rochdale Shopmobility.

Guest speaker for the night will be Sir Lindsay Hoyle (Speaker of House of Commons). More information about the event and how to purchase tickets can be found here:


The MP's Dinner with Sir Lindsay Hoyle, Speaker of House of Commons


The Mayor’s Charity Appeal for 2021/22 is raising funds for Springhill Hospice, Parkinson’s UK, Petrus Rochdale, Jolly Josh, and Rochdale Shopmobility. All donations are gratefully received and will go to these fantastic local causes.

You can donate to the Mayor’s Charity Appeal (registered charity number 1043910) by:

BACS or bank transfer:
Barclays Bank Rochdale Branch
Account Name: Mayor of Rochdale's Charity Appeal
Account Number: 53356159
Sort code: 20-72-67

Cheque: make cheques payable to The Mayor's Charity. You can drop them off at the front desk at Number One Riverside or post them to:

​​The Mayor's Office
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
OL16 1XU​​​​

Phone (one-off text giving): Text ROCHDALE to 70085 to donate £5. Texts costs £5 plus one standard rate message.


Mayor of Rochdale's Charity Appeal for 2021/22
Mayor of Rochdale's Charity Appeal for 2021/22


Mayoral Invitations

The mayor welcomes invitations to events held by local organisations and individuals. Due to demand, it may not be possible for the mayor to attend every event he is invited to.

To invite the mayor to your event, please complete the mayor attendance form and return it to the Mayor’s Officer.



Tel: 01706 924890

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