Mutual Mills in Heywood could be transformed into hundreds of new homes

Date published: 28 March 2019

An historic cotton mill could be transformed into hundreds of new homes if a developer’s plans are given the go-ahead.

Mandale Homes Ltd wants to convert Grade II listed Mutual Mills, in Heywood, into 298 one and two-bedroom apartments.

The proposals would see mills 1 and 2 at the Aspinall Street complex – which dates back to around the turn of the last century- converted into ‘quality new homes’.

An office building on the site would house five of the apartments while the plans also include a total of 348 car parking spaces.

A third mill is not included in the brownfield-site scheme.

Mandale Homes Ltd says that the project would represent ‘a benchmark in the regeneration of Heywood’ and have ‘a major beneficial effect’ on the site.

Campaigners opposing green belt development at nearby Crimble Mill believe the plans should have been submitted well before consultation on the region’s development masterplan – the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework (GMSF) – came to an end on 18 March.

The Mutual Mill plans were validated by Rochdale Council and made public on 19 March.

Save Crimble Mill Green Belt spokesman Iain Brown accepts regeneration at Mutual Mills is needed – but says the timing meant residents were not able to highlight the ‘huge impact’ the 250-home GMSF plan for Crimble Mill would have on top of the Mutual Mills proposals.

While it is yet to be seen whether Crimble Mill remains in the spatial framework post-consultation – there is now a fully fleshed-out plan for the regeneration of five and six-storey Mutual Mills.

Mutual Mills in Heywood (mill 2)
Mutual Mills in Heywood (mill 2)

A design and access statement submitted with the application describes the proposal as ‘a high-quality design led scheme, which responds effectively to the character and appearance of the surrounding area’.

The condition of both mills is said to be ‘reasonable‘ but with a number of problems, including cracking and deterioration of brickwork.

The conversion, according to the document, would involve ‘very little new-build’.

Work would be restricted to that ‘necessary in order to repair the listed mills, and enable their reuse as apartments’, while demolition would be limited to where it is ‘strictly necessary’.

In its conclusion the statement adds that the proposal would ‘result in the much-needed repair of two listed mills, transforming them into a sustainable, vibrant and efficiently used residential environment’.

Mr Brown acknowledges Mutual Mills presents a ‘huge opportunity’ for regeneration.

“Done correctly they could be amazing,” he said.

“But why announce it a week after we have had a deadline that was supposed to cover all development opportunities across Greater Manchester?”

He continued: “It needs to happen, I accept that, it’s great. But if they had said to me the week before deadline date that they were going to put 300 apartments there I could then say that could be another 450 more cars in the area.

“It doesn’t feel transparent, the whole thing about the GMSF is it’s supposed to be a consultation.”

He also says the proposals Mutual Mills – together with any other housing plans – should have been brought forward far earlier.

He said: “My understanding is that the GMSF is there to put together a constructive plan for development across Greater Manchester for the next 20 years – if it’s one big plan it needs to be one big plan.”

He added: “I find it frustrating that, as a community, we are respecting the council and GMSF proposals required systems and processes for providing feedback – and then plans like Mutual Mills are being released a week after deadline day.

“You don’t suddenly decide you want a £30m development. It takes a little bit more homework than that.”

Paul Moore, the council’s head of planning services, said the Mutual Mills site was unconnected to the spatial framework.

He said: “This is about trying to ensure a positive future for two prominent Grade II listed mill buildings and will play a key part in our drive to deliver more homes on brownfield land.

“If the application is approved, it will deliver 298 new homes, regenerate the area, boost the local economy and breathe new life into the mills.

“This is unrelated to the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework and was identified in our draft site allocation document, which we consulted on in 2018.

“The planning process will provide an opportunity for the public to comment on the proposal, but it’s important to stress we don’t have control over the timing of specific applications.”

A decision on whether to grant planning permission will be taken by Rochdale Council in due course.

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