
Submit An Event

If your group or organisation would like to publicise an event then you can complete and submit the Event Submission Form below*.

Rochdale Online Events averages 20,000 page views each month, with visitors sharing details on social media.

Advertise your concerts, plays, car boot sales, exhibitions, charity fundraisers or business meetings etc. on Rochdale Online Events. Listings are displayed until midnight of the day of the event.

Event Submission Form

Event Details

Required fields are marked(*)

  1. (leave blank if same as start date)
  2. (Please begin with http:// or https://)
Event Categories
  1.  Arts and Theatre
     Hobbies and Interests
     Music and Entertainment
     Sport and Fitness
     Town Centre
Contact Details
  1.  Tick here if you would like to receive our newsletter (local news, events and competitions). We will not pass your information to any third party and you can unsubscribe at any time.

* Rochdale Online reserve the right to publish, edit, or not publish any content received.
