17 May 2024
Friday 17 May 2024
2pm - 4pm
St George's Church Hall
Oakenrod Hill
OL11 4ED
Today's title is AGM and Members Afternoon.
If you enjoy good music (both light and serious) then you are bound to find something to your taste in our programmes of recorded music. You may hear some of your favourites, or on the other hand you may be introduced to new music that you may well take to!
All items are introduced by a presenter (a member or a guest) in an easily understood way - we are not musicians just music lovers. We are a friendly organisation and aim to make newcomers welcome.
Why not come along to a few of our meetings and judge the variety of music on offer?
There is no annual fee but entry fee is £4 per meeting to cover the cost of rent and refreshments.
Our season runs twice monthly from September to May with several meetings in the summer at St George's Church Hall, Rochdale on Friday afternoons, 2pm - 4pm.
Entry fee: £4 per meeting
Contact: Martin Winn (Hon Sec)
0161 678 2024
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