
Local Events

Charity Indoor Car Boot Sale

18 May 2024

Saturday 18 May 2024
9.30am - 11.30am

Smithy Bridge Methodist Church
Smithy Bridge Road
Smithy Bridge
OL15 0DY


Each month we raise money for a different charity through our indoor car boot sales.

If you would like a table to sell your unwanted items (rent £10 which goes direct to the charity of the month) Please contact us via email or by telephone.

Please note, you are not allowed to sell anything with alcohol in, guns, knives, drugs or counterfeit goods. Our charity shop (The Bridge Centre) is also open for the duration of the event and money taken from sales in the shop also go to the charity along with money taken from refreshments served.

Entry fee: Free

Contact: Mrs Janet Bower
01706 378550

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