
Local Events

Save Crimble Mill Green Belt

10 March 2019

Sunday 10 March 2019

Meet at the Water Fountain in Queens Park
Queen's Park Road
OL10 4UY


Crimble Mill and the surrounding fields have been identified for change of use to develop around 250 houses and also the mill.

As we approach the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework deadline we’d really like to show the powers just how many Heywood residents are opposed to the development.

Please come along and bring your banners and signs.

It’s vital we show Rochdale Council and GMCA that Heywood residents are opposed to the greenbelt being developed on.

Meet at the water fountain in Queens Park at 10am. We will them walk along the River Roch, around the lake, past Mutual mills, along Barley Hall St and Rochdale Road East to Crimble Lane.

We aim to pause half way along Crimble Lane for photos and to discuss the GMSF. Then continue down the lane and follow the path alongside the river back to Queens Park.

The planned walk will take approximately 1 hour.

Just one hour of your time to help save Crimble Green Belt.

Visit the link below for a planned route of the walk.

Entry fee: Free

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