
Local Events

RMNF Neighbourhood Plan Pre-Submission Consultation

21 April 2018

Saturday 21 April 2018
10.00am - 2.00pm

Spotland Methodist Church
Rooley Moor Road
OL12 7DQ


An opportunity to discuss our neighbourhood plan, Heritage Lottery Fund project and the In Bloom initiative.

We can discuss any ideas, issues or concerns you might have about the plan before it is submitted to the council for consideration. We’ll also be available to discuss our HLF and In Bloom projects.

Why a Neighbourhood Forum, Area & Plan? When you review the plan it’s worth remembering:

  • Our forum was formed in response to a number of aggressive planning applications that would have significantly affected our neighbourhood area.
  • Our neighbourhood plan is intended to be helpful by letting developers know, upfront, what the people who live in the area want for the area. The plan reflects the views of all the people who responded to our detailed survey and includes "Character Areas” and “Important Views” that, together with the conservation areas, contribute to making the whole of the Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Area a special place to live, work and enjoy recreational pursuits.
  • Our neighbourhood forum status allows us to interact with the planning process in a way that could not be achieved by any individual. I.E. as a consultee.
  • Our neighbourhood plan doesn't stop development, it simply asks for the majority view of our community to be taken into consideration.
  • There are a number of other initiatives, outside of the neighbourhood plan, which promote the history & heritage of our area and complement the recreational amenities our area provides. Namely:
    • Heritage Lottery Fund “Shared Heritage” project
    • In Bloom, and the
    • Equestrian “rendezvous” event scheduled for Sunday 27 May 2018

Entry fee: Free

Contact: Alan Rawsterne
0797 071 5904

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