21 July 2017
Friday 21 July 2017
2.00 pm – 3.00 pm
The Education Centre
Royal Oldham Hospital
Rochdale Road
On Friday 21 July, The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust will be hosting a free talk on ‘Liver Disease’. The event will give delegates the opportunity to find out more about the different types of Liver Disease and the service provided for patients who have liver disease at Pennine Acute.
There are more than 100 different types of liver disease, which together affect at least 2 million people in the UK. The liver is the second largest organ in the body. It works hard, performing 500 hundred complex functions daily, including: fighting infections and illness and removing toxins (poisons), such as alcohol, from the body.
Liver disease does not usually cause any obvious signs or symptoms until it is fairly advanced and the liver is severely damaged. At this stage, possible symptoms can include loss of appetite, weight loss and jaundice.
Gastroenterology Nurse Specialist, Lynne Kendrick, who will be giving the talk, said: “Liver disease is the fifth most common cause of death in the UK. Over 2 million people are affected with thousands more unaware they even have it. Liver disease develops over time often with no signs and symptoms evident until the day the liver appears to suddenly cease to function”.
Our gastro nurse service at Pennine Acute includes; nurse led clinics; day case drain service; advice and education to patients, carers and relatives; blood monitoring and support of patients throughout their journey.
There are many causes of liver disease with alcohol being the most obvious but in 33% of patients with liver disease alcohol is not the cause
The average life expectancy for liver patients is 59 years and falling and with the North West having higher than the average national figures of patients with this complex disease we need to raise awareness to identify liver disease at a reversible stage
The event is free and is one of a series of ‘Medicine for Members’ events arranged to give the public and the Trust’s public members a greater insight into their local hospital and the services it provides. So far, more than 12,500 people have signed up to become Trust members.
To book your place contact Angela Greenwood on 01706 517302 or email membership@pat.nhs.uk
Contact: Angela Greenwood
01706 517302
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