15 September 2023
Friday 15 September 2023
2pm - 4pm
Middleton Arena
Lcpl Joel Halliwell Vc Way
M24 1AG
The Active Living Socials are back!
Rochdale Leisure Centre
First Friday of the month
Middleton Arena
Third Friday of the month
Join Your Trust for fun filled afternoons of music and dance taking you through the decades.
Learn the dance moves you see on TV!
Have a drink and a chat in a warm space, meet new people and friends. Bring your own hot drinks cup to help save the environment!
Numbers limited, booking required.
Booking is available in person at the centre you wish to attend, or by using the contact details below: elaine.stott@yourtrustrochdale.co.uk 01706 926205
Entry fee: £3
Contact: Elaine Stott
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