
Local Events

Wreath Making Workshop

03 December 2022

Saturday 03 December 2022
9am - 12pm or 1pm - 4pm

Hallfold United Reform Church
The Schoolroom
20 Hall Street
OL12 8RA


The Tourism and Leisure Committee have been getting in the Christmas spirit planning the Christmas Celebrations. Following the success of last year’s trial workshop, the volunteers have decided to do it all again this year!  

The workshop will take place on Saturday 3rd December at Hallfold Church Hall. 

Morning session, 9am to 12pm
Afternoon session, 1pm to 4pm

Everything will be provided to make a traditional, natural wreath. Guests will receive mulled wine and a mince pie and be entertained by Christmas tunes while they craft. Everyone is welcome to bring along decorations they wish to add to their wreath to customise theirs to their own colour scheme.

Tickets are available now while stocks last priced at £30 per head, available from the Whitworth Council Office at the Ashcroft, the Town Clerk on 01706 852018 and online from the link below.

Entry fee: £30 per person

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