10 September 2022
Saturday 10 September 2022
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
OL16 1XU
This year to raise awareness for suicide, there will be a candlelit walk from Riverside One through to centre of town ending at St Mary in the Baum where we will remember those who have died by suicide.
The event is being supported by PAPYRUS, Andy’s Man Club, Rochdale Samaritans and Rochdale Mind. Each will share why they are involved in preventing suicide and what they offer to those in need of support.
Anyone who would like to join in on this event are asked to bring their own candle in a jar to Riverside One for 6.30pm on Saturday the 10th September when you will set off on the walk. They are also invited if they choose to bring a picture of someone they would like to remember and will be given the opportunity to add this to a memory book with a written memory as part of the vigil. The book will then be kept in St Mary in the Baum and be available to view in church.
It is hoped that by raising awareness, people will know that is it ok not to be ok, and that they will reach out for the help that they need.
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