22 December 2019
Sunday 22 December 2019
From the Cock & Magpie Pub
Cock Hall Lane
OL12 8BJ
Andems Runners assisted by Rochdale Harriers present The Ian Holloway 70th Birthday Cowm 5K.
Andems are delighted to honour Ian on his 70th birthday! Ian has been a stalwart Rochdale Harrier and for many years has organised the Rochdale 10K.
Entry fee £4.00 to Club Runner or £6.00 to Unaffiliated. £1.00 extra if entering on the day.
Prizes in ALL categories. Something for every starter.
Proceeds to Mollie Campbell (Whitworth Commonwealth Silver Medallist) to help her get to the Olympics.
Raffle Tickets! It's £2.00 a strip or 3 strips for £5.00 - ALL proceeds to Mollie.
01706 750620
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