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It’s Our Future with Gina Dowding MEP

12 October 2019

Saturday 12 October 2019
5pm - 7pm

Rochdale Catholic Club
12 Ann Street
OL16 1QQ


Join us to discuss the issues that effect you! And to find out how you can effect change!

With Gina Dowding (MEP), the first green MEP for the North West of England. We will be discussing how the EU shapes our lives and the effect it would have on us when (or if) we leave.

Our Rochdale parliamentary candidates will talk about the measures they would take to protect our futures.

Speakers from Extinction Rebellion and/or a peace group, discussing the effects of man made climate change on our natural world.

Also: a talk on the Kashmir issue (India and Pakistan) and, on a more local level, we will have a speaker on the former turners Asbestos site and the impact of the site on the environment.

The past cannot be changed but the future can be altered, it is up to us. The actions and decisions that we make can make a difference and can protect our future and the future of our families.

Will you play a role in the change for our future?

Register your place on the link below.

Entry fee: Free

Contact: Connor Hibbert
07724 931 346

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