28 June 2019 - 29 June 2019
Friday 28 June 2019 - Saturday 29 June 2019
Friday 7.30pm & Saturday 2pm
Touchstones Rochdale
The Esplanade
OL16 1AQ
Six generations of women, their lives spanning 100 years from the final months of World War One to the present: through a weaving together of monologue, dialogue, songs and physical theatre and prompted by small, intimate objects from their past, we are given glimpses into brief episodes of these women’s lives… episodes evoking joy, sorrow, love, loss and memory that articulate the ‘small histories’ of ordinary people.
Performed by Manchester based company, Out of Kilter Theatre, there will 2 performances - one at 7.30pm on Firday 28 June & one at 2pm on Saturday 29 June.
Tickets are available on the link below.
Entry fee: £6
Contact: Mark Murphy
07742 374631
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